Monday, September 30, 2019
Essay and referencing
The three communication theories I have applied to provide the most insight into understanding the dynamics of the observed conversation between two people are; the transmission model (Shannon & Weaver 1949), Fuller's ecological model (Fouler 2004), and an expanded model of communication (Munson 2012). In this essay I have used a conversation I had listened to which was between my friend (from here on will be named George) and his friend (from here on will be named Mark). Problems that arose during the conversation will be explained as well as how George and Mark overcame them.From there the essay will compare and contrast the three communication theories and decide which of these best simplify the conversation. Complexities of the conversation I was asked by George to take him down to the pub to meet up with Mark for a couple of games of pool, whilst chatting over a cold beer. George is nearly completely illiterate due to him leaving school at the age of 12, moving to the Northern t erritory and working on a cattle farm up until the age of 19, where he then moved back to Lissome.Mark is completely deaf and has next to no ability to lip read (this I had not known until I met him). Both George and Mark do not know sign language of any kind. George and has learnt to use abbreviations in text messages, which is about the extent of his written language capabilities. Problems that arose George had been avoiding this meeting because he finds the conversations very difficult, and this usually leads to heated discussions, especially when the conversations centered on Mark's granddaughter (which George has always had affectionate feelings for but never acted upon).Both George and Mark have their own perceptions on what is going on in her life, which has, and still causes either Mark or George to have expectations from the other, and creates selective perceptions (Withes 2009). This introduces psychological noise and detracts from the meanings of some of the messages in t he conversation. A one way lack of tone and inflection in the voice to communicate feelings and emotions more clearly can provide misunderstanding in the meaning of some messages. Language barrier from non-literate to literate people poses the greatest barrier to messages both to and from each other.Feedback is restricted to kinesics emblems, regulators, and illustrators (De Vito 2001). George aged 2 and Mark aged 64 both have different educational backgrounds in which written communication differs. Text messaging or testing (Shaw et al. 2007) can be a major source of misinterpretation, though Mark has been using his mobile phone for some time now. This leads to the conclusion that this increases the communication abilities of how Mark can interact with George, though there is still the written language barrier between them (Kumara et al. 2011).How George and Mark overcome these problems The over emphasis of kinesics emblems, regulators, and illustrators (De Vito 2001) had o be used as feedback due to the lack of language being used by George. Facial expressions become very important for Mark and George to try to convey their own, and comprehend each other's emotions, from understanding to frustration. Increased eye contact which would make most people more nervous and defensive (De Vito 2001) become a highly prized resource for feedback as well it had helped regulate the control of the conversation.Shannon and Weaver's transmission model (Shannon & Weaver 1949) seems to be the simplest model, and therefore maybe the est. for most situations; however, it lacks the detail in which the complexities of this particular conversation pose, and that need to be addressed, in particular the noise sources. Figure 1 : Transactional model (Source: Shannon & Weaver 1949) Fuller's ecological model is an elaboration of (Alleles 1948) model of â€Å"Who, says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect†(Fouler 2004) though it takes into account of the use of dif ferent languages using modern mediums.This model is an excellent model but focuses on more of the use of the language and the media it is conveyed in and to so much on person to person communications. Figure 2: An Ecological Model of the Communication (Source: Fouler 2004) Union's expanded model of communication is more complex than Fuller's as well as Shannon and Weaver's models, though it is more appropriate to this conversation had between George and Mark due to the fact it shows that in order for the communication to happen the sender must pre-edit and then encode the message pass the message onto the receiver where he decodes and edits the message.Munson also takes into account the use of mechanical, behavioral and semantic actors of encoding, and understands that if the message is to be understood the receiver must be able to decode the message. This is particularly relevant, and highly important to this conversation between George and Mark due to the factors mentioned before. Context Figure 3: An expanded model of communication (Source: Munson 2012) Conclusion I have found Shannon and Weavers transactional model too simple and cannot evaluate the complexities of this situation, and that Fuller's model too broad and not able to focus on the problems that need to be addressed.Therefore, I believe hat Union's expanded model of communication is the most adequate to use out of the three models that were written about because Union's model has shown how a message from George is first pre-edited (thoughts), then encoded (written on paper), passed on through noise (physical, psychological as well as expectations and selective perception), decoded by the receiver (reading Georges writing) and then finally edited to Mark's own meaning and interpretation.This explains how there was some heated discussions in the past, and will continue to be so until they are able to actively listen' to each other before they place their own selective perceptions and expectations on their conversation.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Quani’s Story
Family Genealogy Paper A family that prays together stays together is an idiom passed down from generations to generations. My family stands firm on this phrase and will continue to pass it down to generations to come. As I conducted a few conversations with family members, from the maternal side of my family, I understood why they believed in the quote and I will continue to pass it down to my kids and family. The reason I researched my mother's side of the family was because they are arger than my father's side and they are in close proximity of each other.My mom's side of the family grew up in a small North Carolinian town called Pinetop. I went back as far as my great-great grandparents and their names were Edward and Rachael Crummedy. They were sharecroppers and they both passed away when my great-grandmother was 9 years old. My great-grandparents are the late Columbus and Clara Crummedy Dickens. Born in 1913, Columbus Dickens grew up to be a sharecropper and provider for his fa mily. Columbus worked for a white man who wned the property that the Dickens family resided on.He would work on the farm all year long Just so that the family could stay on the farm and also have food to eat. His return pay would be a stipend at the end of the year that went towards the bills for the house, so he never really saw any money for his own good. During certain times of the year he had to hire other people to help him maintain the farm (who were usually family members) and they would receive their pay from whatever Columbus received. If Colu
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Project management db5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project management db5 - Essay Example The engineering team deals with product development and production processes and not product launch and this identifies poor audience visualization (Guffey and Almonte, 2009). Poor audience visualization is also evident from the fact that the audience lacked interest in the presentation and this led to conflict at the initial stages of the presentation. Terry could have better prepared for the presentation through audience profiling and through adequate response to the profiling (Guffey and Loewy, 2010). He could have identified appropriate message to the engineering team such as the team’s previous success in products’ development and possible need for improvement, and specific features that may be successful in the market. He should have also anticipated the team’s possible negative response and used communication skills to captivate the audience. Terry could have handled the questions by moderating them to respond to a question at a time, or by convincing the audience to wait until the end of the presentation (Krizan, Merrier and Logan, 2010). After Terry left the room, the project manager should assume the responsibility of bridging the created gap between the marketing team and the engineering team in order to foster future collectivity. In order to get the engineering group’s buy in, I would be sensitive to possible difference between the group and my marketing group and understand strategies for overcoming challenges from the differences (Karmakar, 2012). This would ensure an understanding and increase chances of getting the buy
Friday, September 27, 2019
A Reflective Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
A Reflective Report - Essay Example The presentation work submitted by our group will also be studied for understanding our overall learning as well as gap between our expectations at beginning of the unit and extent of our success in completing and meeting objectives. The self-reflective report has been divided into three major parts. The first part introduces the objective and provides a clear understanding of the flow of self-reflective report. The next section is a reflective commentary where different techniques and tools for critical foresight have been evaluated. Their impact on my own thinking process will also be discussed. This section will also compare opinions and ideas from the literature. The last section will be a conclusion of key points discussed in the reflective commentary. The coursework was presented on the topic of Bio-fuels. The report was an exhaustive study including analysis of trends on bio-fuels, their usage and current availability as well as future scenario development (Slaughter, 1996). Deeper insight on the future of transportation and role of bio-fuels was presented with the help of PESTEL analysis. Based on PESTEL analysis, various recommendations for sourcing bio-fuels as well as enhancing its usage was discussed. The feedback provided after final submission helped in understanding areas that needed improvement. According to the feedback, initially the report was well-written till the introduction section. However, after the introduction, the report started to look like an essay containing majorly descriptive studies as well as lacking any aim or objective. While referencing was appropriate, the report was said to be weak in areas such as, trends, interactions, scenario development as well as proper explanations. The feedback also sugge sted that the report lacked focused justification or any identified opportunity. While the style of writing was clear and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Global strategy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Global strategy - Coursework Example ly sell this product in different markets, it is imperative to understand the cultural factors that shape the behaviour of people so that they can develop a positive interest towards the new product. It is also essential to understand the distribution network in different countries. In this case, the manager will need to identify the distribution channels such as road network as well as location of the warehouses and the stores where the product will be sold. In this case, the new product will be sold in different retail stores especially those that specialize in selling sporting equipment. In different places, I would also establish the most common form of media used and use it for advertising. The internet will also be used to sell the product since it is very popular medium used by many people during the contemporary period. However, in developing countries such as Africa, I will target people using different forms of media for advertising such as television, print as well as the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Group discussion presenatation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Group discussion presenatation - Essay Example We can’t be held up, we can’t be interrupted†(Renda 393). Most elements of the play originate from Javanese’s and Hindu-Buddhist’s thoughts. The play is in opposition to the dominance of the state, and a critique to contemporary politics. It aims at expressing the struggle of a culture to preserve its autonomy amid exploitation from modern capitalism. The ambassadors, based on their names, come from the western nations with interest in a piece of the resources, and through a language of progress and development. The palace of Astinampuram and the queen are taken to be a satirical representation of the Indonesian president and his wife. They represent the monarch system of the country. The kingdom consisting of leaders who are self-seeking shows the state of Indonesia during Suharto’s rein (Varney et al. 89). From the highlighted points, it is plainly evident that the play is a fictitious representation of Indonesia and Asia at large, though the writer affirms in the beginning and the end that the play is not done in In donesia. An Asian setting can as well be affirmed by the statement â€Å"Across the sea, in the land of the ogres-I mean Europe and America†¦.†(Rendra 292) The statement points that as much as the play would not be in Indonesia, it was still in Asia, after alienating the two stated
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg by Mark Twain Research Paper - 1
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg by Mark Twain - Research Paper Example Following this, the stranger decides to teach the entire region of Hadleyburg a lesson by turning them into corrupt citizens. He wants to make them aware of the ‘actual realities’ of life by making them turn to look at the kind of temptations and corruption that life actually contains. The stranger happens to have an entire plan of action in order to go about this process as well. This story has been written by the author as a pun on today’s world and different kind of people living in society. Living in an ideal world or a Utopian land is a concept not really known to mankind. Twain has tried to depict a very ‘clean’ society with citizens free from any bribery and wrongdoing. However, he also put in the character that tries to destroy this kind of perfect imagery and create havoc within the town. Through the eyes of this main protagonist Twain tries to tell his readers how it is impossible to live in a picture perfect world. According to the author, society is made up of all kinds of people, the bad and the good. This story however, gives an image of the good people that a society should ideally contain. Through this, Mark has tried his level best to make people understand that one cannot really live in such a place; and that such a society is not really something that would exist in today’s world. â€Å"It is an honest town once more, and the man will have to rise early that catches it napping again.†(Twain, Mark) The word ‘Utopian’ comes exactly from the meaning of this book on a different level. It is used to describe a situation, preferably a place or a region, where everything is perfect; where the people are living together in harmony, not fighting and are happy with everything that they have to offer to the people around them. However, this is not the case in real life because in reality, different kinds of people exist in the world. They each have their own views about living and surviving in the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Review the book named middlemarch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Review the book named middlemarch - Essay Example Featherstone as he was not much satisfied with her. To attend and serve a person who was always impulsive to you was what Mary was doing. She has always been polite to him and has never been harsh to him in return. She was sitting in silence and was reflecting on the events that happened that day when suddenly Mr. Featherstone woke up from his sleep and called Ms. Gray to his bedside. He gave her the keys of the safe and asked her to take out his will. Ms. Gray was ordered by Mr. Featherstone to burn the second will so that only his first will is considered to be valid. She was afraid to act on his orders as there was no one in the room to witness her act. She refused to act on his orders even when she was offered a bribe on it. She felt that Mr. Featherstone isn’t in the right mind and stays firm. Mr. Featherstone went to sleep and he was dead by the next morning. Analysis: Ms. Gray was a very sweet, humble and straightforward kind of person. She had a good understanding and knowledge about human nature with a good sense of humor. But these qualities of her cant be judged by her daily activities. She seemed very simple and plain throughout the novel which contradicts to what she actually is from inside. This made her characters suspicious to few people. She was believed to be very prudent as she felt that many people will be disappointed by Mr. Featherstone's will. The nervous tone of Mr. ... Eliot gave her less opportunity to show the strength of her personality however, when it appears, her character is shown as the strongest character in the whole novel. Her strong character is beautifully portrayed in the death scene of Mr. Featherstone. Ms. Gray proved to the reader that intellect and wisdom are not enough for a woman to surpass the situational problems faced by females. Ms. Gray’s decision secured her but did not help her to get freedom. Ms. Gray’s refusal to burn Mr. Featherstone's will showed an act of self-protection as well as ethical and moral strength. The speakers of Eliot’s novels deconstruct masculine authority which is replaced by feminine narrative power which actually has no inspirational base. A face of such feminine insight is Ms. Gray’s detached and sardonic wisdom. Ms. Gray’s Character is somewhat closest to Marian Evans. 2. Application of Act Utilitarianism: We need to look upon all the alternatives that can be con sidered while taking this decision. If I would be Ms. Gray’s position I would have acted according to Mr. Featherstone’s orders and would have burned the will on his demand as he was on his death bed and this act could have given him some satisfaction and happiness and would have made him felt better. He would have appreciated the efforts. The other option that I had was that I would have consulted someone else or would have arranged some witness in the presence of whom I could have helped Mr. Featherstone on his demands. Thirdly I would have talked to Mr. Featherstone on some other alternative than just to burn the will. I would have done that instead of just declining his request straightforwardly which lowered his morale to an extend that took his life. Furthermore I
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Management - Essay Example . In order to shape employee behavior, a manager should â€Å"encourage self-regulation of behavior†and motivate them. This approach is based on motivation which ‘foster an intrinsic desire on the part of employees to follow organizational rules, and inspire outweighs the influence of command-and-control mechanisms†(Blader and Tyler 2006). Employee responsibilities are inseparable from organizational policies and practices. The manager can shape employees behavior using traditional insensitive and sanctions. Thus, critics argue that self-regulation approach is more effective than the old one. The manager can influence employees through informal superior-subordinate interaction to communicate employees rights and responsibilities. Suggested also is the need for interaction may be endangered by the growth of communication technology. Behavior modeling is needed for communicating shared values. Employees absorb, analyze, and then digest the behavior of managers towa rd them (Drory and Zaidman 2007). It should be noted that an organization's policies and practices may encourage or discourage responsible behavior among employees by the moral messages they convey. As a result, one would expect the way workers approach their responsibilities to be compatible with the organization's moral (and behavioral) environment. 2. Attitudes are learned throughout life and are embodied within socialization process.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Mitch Epstein.A new history of photography Essay Example for Free
Mitch Epstein.A new history of photography Essay Mitch Epstein Introduction            Mitch Epstein acknowledged widely as one of the most distinguished art photographers around the globe, however a whole survey of his art is yet to be published. Mitch Epstein, who is the color photography pioneer and has been making films, photographic books and also pictures for around 35 years. From 1990’s the Vietnam pictures present the artist’s distinctive balance of nuanced wit and formal rigor; and they are clear illustration of what detractor Joanna Lehan refers to Epstein’s â€Å"jaw-dropping color use. †Epstein photographs also are a significant sign in Epstein’s progression as a photographer, a link between Epstein’s early street artistic work and also his huge format work to appear (Moore et al, 2010).            The pictures in the display are a lyrical odyssey during post war Vietnam. Photographs by Epstein depicts that under beauty there lies violence while under the war remnants is a society struggling with continued censorship and new freedoms. Mitch Epstein visited Vietnam where he made six trips there when the nation began opening its borders around 1992 and 1995 to the outsiders following two decades of separation. He worked together on a book with radical Vietnamese novelist where he was able to get access to the nation that a small number of outsiders had. However, in 1995 Epstein learned that he would be requires to hand over his pictures to the government of Vietnam for censorship. Epstein ended the collaboration due to artistic freedom and his book was published by means of a text by the Vietnamese artist. Epstein photographs are up to now virtually hidden in the nation from which they surfaced, except through the intelligentsia that w ere responsible in smuggling in the book (Frizot, 1998).            The exhibition enlightens an indispensable point in the career of Epstein. The method of the artist became more painterly and deliberate in Vietnam. He revived and mastered the life which was at standstill. His sluggish, gradually formalist approach obviously resulted to 8x 10 view camera that he uses now. Vietnam also marked a new period whereby politics indirectly would, yet considerably have an effect on Epstein’s artistic work. Epstein’s next works all suggest a keen sense of community’s intrigues, just like the Vietnam photographs do. In Vietnam, Family business, American power and The city, Epstein delicately depicts that power of a nation, a patriarch or a city leaves its mark on the public landscape and also in the private lives. In America also Epstein continued with his art of photography where he travelled across the whole nation, making the photographs not just of wind turbines, oil refineries and nuclear r eactors, but also of solar ovens, electric chairs and gas stations (Moore et al, 2010).            New work being carried out by Epstein is a sequence of photographs of idiosyncratic trees inhabiting the New York City. These pictures depict the significance of trees to the urban life and also their multifaceted relationship to their human correspondents. The cumulative significance of these photographs is to reverse the individual’s usual perception concerning their city. In this regard the trees do not function as background any longer, and instead control the architecture and human life around the world. Mitch Epstein’s work has influenced many people across the globe and therefore making his artistic work significant to the history of photography (Epstein, 2005). References Epstein, M. (2005). Recreation: American photographs 1973 1988 (1. ed.). GoÃÅ'ˆttingen: Steidl. Frizot, M. (1998). A new history of photography. KoÃÅ'ˆln: KoÃÅ'ˆnemann. Moore, K. D., Crump, J., Rubinfien, L. (2010). Starburst: color photography in America 1970-1980. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz. Source document
Friday, September 20, 2019
Strategies Of The Sangguniang Bayan Members Of Pakil Politics Essay
Strategies Of The Sangguniang Bayan Members Of Pakil Politics Essay The strategies of elected officials at the municipal level in attaining good governance. The strategies of the Sangguniang Bayan members of Pakil, Laguna in attaining good governance. In the history of our government, we can be certain that over centralization is one of its most prevalent characteristics. Even before the Spanish era up to the American period, centralization is an established part of our administration and bureaucracy, together with hierarchal distinction which is one of our customary practices which is part of the behavioral characteristics engraved in our culture and tradition. Conversely, we can also be certain that local autonomy is a century-old vital part of our government. The barangay or barrio system of governing remained, which was later merged with the foreign system of government, although this was not thoroughly learned and accepted by the people. Thus, different laws were formulated and enacted to indigenize methods of governing along with the objective of promoting decentralization of the national government. This decentralization has become a major trend to address the publics assertive reaction to the irresponsiveness and ineffectiveness of the government in providing basic public services. The Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 was enacted following the provision in the Article X of the 1987 Constitution which declares that, the State shall ensure the autonomy of local governments (Brillantes, 2003). The key features of the LGC were presented by Tom S. Villarin in an introduction on the book BEYOND GOOD GOVERNANCE Participatory Democracy in the Philippines (Estrella Iszatt, 2004): grant more powers, resources, authority and responsibility to Local Government Units (LGUs) to enable them to function with limited national support; transform LGUs into local planning units for development and innovative governance; institutionalize people power in local governance; promote the interface and collaboration of Peoples Organizations (Pos), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and the private sector with LGUs through sustained partnerships; promote ventures and undertakings between LGUs and POs-NGOs/private sector; and provide measures to enhance fiscal automy of LGUs. Furthermore, LGUs plays a key role in bringing about not just good but better governance to the people. This better performance is necessary because nowadays, elected officials in their respective LGUs are the ones who are responsible in providing solutions for the better implementation of health, livelihood, agricultural policies, etc. For this reason, innovative strategies for the development and progress of a certain province/city/municipality/barangay should be maintained and enacted by elected officials who are competent, accountable, and transparent together with the empowered citizens that are actively participating in the implementation of these strategies. Strategizing may connote competitiveness, an attribute that speaks of striving to get the most out of given conditions, and is an attribute which is rarely found in the local government (Sajo, Santiago Joaquin, 1998). But nowadays, strategizing for the development of the community has become a trend in LGUs. This process works in the viewpoint of involving everyone who is part of the dynamic organization known as government. Also its main objective is the reformulation of new sets of strategies that will apply in LGUs purposes established on a specific vision and mission, which also considers the external and internal conditions of its environment, and works with the commitment to all the stakeholders in the LGUs (Sajo, Santiago Joaquin, 1998). By doing so, this study will be able to examine or reexamine the grassroots of good governance in LGUs which will try to elaborate the governance that the national and local level have been executing. Hence, LGUs as part of the broad politic al spectrum is as dynamic as the national government, and focusing on this small but vital part of the society can direct us to a concrete understanding of governance with politics. The locus of the strategies to be included in this paper is on the LGUs basic and second most numerous component-the municipality. A typical municipality provides basic services for its citizens. Some of these basic services are maintenance of law and order, establishment and monitoring of health centers, providing of livelihood programs for the citizens, and above all, the power to tax. Municipalities are also categorized in terms of income class which will determine certain rules regarding some policies from the national government like the number of councilors it can elect and the designated amount of honorarium or salary the elected officials in the area (Wit, 1967). Moreover, the occurrence of the overshadowing of the Local Chief Executive (LCE) or the mayor to the other elected officials serving in a municipality is very noticeable, which is similar to what is happening in the national government. The LCE overshadows the authority of the Sangguniang Bayan (SB) presided by the V ice-Mayor which consists of the municipal councilors, the Association of Barangay Captain (ABC) president, and the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Federation president. Nevertheless, a municipality can directly present policies that need reformation, reevaluation, reengineering and worst, obliteration for the development of the entire Philippine state. To illustrate further the dynamics of LGUs and its elected officials strategies, this paper include some actual events which is happening or has happened in a particular municipality in Southern Luzon known as Pakil. This can be ideal illustration which will be a great help in tracing the roots of governance in the LGUs, and it can also reveal some real strategies that were being used by elected officials. Pakil is a 5th class municipality which is part of the 4th district of Laguna. The status of being a 5th class municipality means that it has a minimal source of income, with just an appropriate land area occupied by its small population. This municipality is basically an agriculture-based semi-urban district located between the Sierra Madre mountain range and Laguna de Bay. Also, this municipality is subdivided into 13 barangays, 6 in Poblacion (Silangan) while the other 6 are part of the Barrio (Kanluran), and a small barangay located at the Sierra Madre mountain range. Moreover, a part of the Laguna de Bay separates the Barrio into the town proper (Poblacion) of Pakil, and that separation of Pakil between Silangan and Kanluran usually results in disputes among the elected officials who are part of the SB. Alliances of members residing in those two different places is present in the SB. These disputes are can be rooted from the voting behavior of the people from both parts of the municipality. Silangan has less population of voters than Kanluran, and those voters from Kanluran always do block voting. This collective behavior had been viewed as one of the basis of SB members in dealing with issues for the development of the two Pakil. Also the support from the LCE is a significant factor that can determine the outcome of the issues that will be address by the SB. For this reason, the strategies of SB members for the development and progress of the municipality have been visibly or subtly affected by the dichotomy of their interests, the voting behavi or of the public, and pressure from higher authority. The elected officials at the municipal level primarily focus on their duty and function in the coordination and delivery of basic, regular and direct services and effective governance of the inhabitants within its territorial jurisdiction (Sajo, Santiago Joaquin, 1998, p.12). The coordinating and delivering of basic public services is already a given function that needs to be accomplished by those elected officials. However, being an elected official in a certain area, a person is not just accountable in performing the duties attributed with his job, but there is also a need for an actual and public association with the inhabitants of that area to directly address their problems, issues, and concerns. Also an elected official is required to be familiar with the territorial jurisdiction of the municipality. Every streets and sitios together with all the inhabitants of place within its jurisdiction must have a certain impact on the officials plan of action for the overall improvement of the municipality. Anything that the elected officials decide upon that involves any municipal subject matter will definitely affect the municipality as a whole. In the case of the municipality of Pakil, a certain SB member although from Silangan, apart from serving and doing his duty in the municipal hall as the officer of the day and aside from conducting committee meetings, also see to it that he has a time to visit and coordinate with the people on both places. By being able to do so, he would need to travel almost 10 kilometers to reach out to the people in Kanluran. Although time-consuming, through this strategy, that SB member promotes an innovative and direct information gathering strategy which is part of the participatory democracy system of governing. By hearing out the needs, concerns, and suggestions of the people, the SB members can prioritize a certain problem they should address. They can conceptualize and create a very comprehensive and specific solution for the improvement of the situation of the people. This SB members strategy is a very effective and innovative way of involving citizens in local governance. Through this ki nd of information gathering, the elected official opens a new way approaching and answering the needs of the people, which can help them analyze a certain problem or crisis and come up with a good plan of action that will lead to the development and progress of the municipality. Aside from implementing participatory democracy, SB members should have learned and mastered the importance of the skill of good structural planning for community development. This strategy is a requisite that should be broadly understand by the elected officials. Planning is the part where you can discover the strengths and weaknesses of a project, and most importantly, planning can also provide the elected official a chance to have a backup in case that unexpected circumstances happened. In the municipality of Pakil, meetings that were conducted by the SB members under their respective committees usually involve the planning part of the projects they want to initiate. The SB members need to have a good structural planning combined with a comprehensive plan of action which is an appropriate foundation in directly addressing issues and problems of the citizens from both Silangan and Kanluran. The attribute mentioned is a skill-oriented type of strategy. Strategic planning method also involves: 1) evaluating the feasibility of the project, 2) envisioning the results of the project, 3) reviewing of other related project or projects implemented, and 4) speculating the feedback of the stakeholders. The evaluation of the feasibility part of the project includes the budget assessment part. The budget has been the always the first thing to be considered before conducting a certain project. SB members have been able to control funds as committee heads, but the 5th class municipality status of Pakil is always faced by financial limitations which caused delays in projects implementation. To be able to initiate projects, although there is the never ending lack of funds problem, SB members have no choice but to knock on the doors of the office of Governor and office of the Congressman. They just have to wait for the staffs to acknowledge them, and they just need to see to it that they will not get tired to get back and forth to the office to follow up their requests, because these two offices will definitely provide financial assistance for their project, but the assistance has a charge, the political gratitude needs a valid payment in the form of support for the next elections. Another important factor involved in the feasibility of the project is the calculation of the time frame. Time frame considers both the length before and after the projects implementation. The period of time of the project and its characteristic of being a long-term or a short-term solution to a certain problem can also determine a projects success or failure. An appropriate timetable should be followed expansively to avoid disruptions in its duration. The time frame in public works project (e.g. farm to market road) and in a project that follows a fixed schedule (e.g. livelihood seminars and sports leagues), should be comprehensively calculated so that the funds that were intended for the benefit of the people would be efficiently consumed. The second factor that is involved in the strategic planning is the envisioning of the results of the project. Cost-benefit analysis of what would be the outcome of the project is a must. The result of the project must guarantee the improvement of the situation of the people. The envisioning part should also be a determining factor of what is the more important project to be initiated. Another factor of planning is the review of related project which is closely connected with the second factor. By reviewing a related project that was implemented before in a nearby town or area, the project initiator can visualize the outcome he wants to achieve. He can also modify some portion or portions of the related project for its improvement and so that it can apply and be appropriate to the municipality setting. Lastly, speculating the feedback of the stakeholders in the said project is an important factor that should be considered in the part of the planning strategy. Although the planning part is a strategy that is set aside to be done by the elected official, the reaction of the stakeholders is the first thing to consider before implementing a certain project. They are ones who would benefit and gain from the project, which is why assessment of their reaction is important. Stakeholders are individual or group of individuals that the elected officials have to serve, collaborate and work with, deal and bargain with, even compete with, or simply any entity that expects something from the LGU (Sajo, Santiago Joaquin, 1998). They are always expecting something from the elected officials way of governing; they have power that can relatively affect the decisions for a certain program, also they can influence the strategic plans of the officials which will serve for their own purposes and intere sts. These four strategic planning methods can be applied by a certain SB member on the projects for the development and progress of Pakil. Evidently, the strategic planning to implemented in Silangang Pakil or Kanlurang Pakil should have different techniques but should be similar in nature. This strategy is certainly a proficient way of performing the duties and functions as SB members who practice authority and power in a manner which show the attributes of a good leader who have mastered the art and science of public management. Another requisite that is considered as an important strategy in the municipal level of governance is the capability of the elected officials as policy-makers in the local legislative process. The Philippine state and our Constitution vested the authority to the Sangguniang Bayan the power to enact laws known as ordinances. These ordinances are made to apply only in their territorial jurisdiction. But still local government has achieved its territorial powers based on the division determined by the national government. Juan F. Rivera included in his book a section from the article in the Lawyers Journal by Mr. Justice Laurel which explains: A municipality cannot be set up in the position of an imperium in imperio. The municipality, even if it so desires, cannot completely emancipate itself from the central government. An autonomy, partial, sound and constructive, is the most that it can aspire for. Sangguniang Bayan or the Municipal Council is the legislative body in the local government. Its legislative duty is to deliberate and enact ordinances for the efficiency of the governance in the municipality. It is also the counterpart of the Congress of the national government. The legislators in the Congress author house bills, while the SB members as the local legislators authors ordinances. An ordinance is defined as an authoritative decree specifically employed in a municipality or a city to be regulated, implemented and followed in the area. An ordinance also varies its purposes and functions depending on the issue or problem in the subject matter it will going to address. Also, the local legislators, as mentioned earlier, is composed of the Vice Mayor who acts as the presiding officer of the SB, eight councilors (the number of councilors depends on the income and district of a municipality), the SK federation president, and the ABC president. Moreover, an ordinance could only be enacted if it passed a deliberation conducted by the SB members which includes a voting process that needs two-thirds of the vote of the council members. This voting process should take place in a SB regular session. If the vote results allowed an ordinance to pass, then ordinance can be send to the office of the LCE to be approved or vetoed. Typically, a SB member who heads a certain committee authors an ordinance that would directly address issues that involves his committee. Improving the competence of the SB members in making ordinances are made so that they would not waste their time, effort, money, and energy in the process. Probably, this legislative part of municipal governance is the factor that would require formality in its strategies. Thus, SB members should develop their competence in ordinance drafting to ensure its approval from both the people they are governing and the people who have higher authority on them. Furthermore, an elected official as a good policy-maker should consider the following strategies in ordinance drafting and its implementation which consist of: 1) the technical knowledge of the elected official on the drafting of an ordinance, 2) the clarification of the purpose of the ordinance, 3) the validity and effectiveness of the ordinance. A complete ordinance consists of parts which are: 1) the title or caption; 2) the preamble; 3) the ordaining or the enacting clause; 4) the command to do or not to do, and designation of subjects and objects of operations; 5) the penal if a penal ordinance; and 6) the naming of time when ordinance is to take effect. This is the formal methodology of an ordinance, which is usually taken for granted by the elected officials in the municipality. The technical knowledge in ordinance drafting is important because, to implement a certain policy to the people and the place one governs, that elected official should already know and mastered the law he made. By doing so, the elected official is making sure that the content he had included in the policy would be enforced effectively. The elected official should also lead by example in order to make the citizens follow the ordinance he have authored. As mentioned earlier in this paper, ordinances have different purposes and functions which depends in the conditions of the subject matter it will address. Ordinances can be generally classified into five classes namely: police ordinances, financial ordinances, administrative ordinances, franchise or contract ordinances, and improvement ordinances (Rivera, 1956). This is why clarifications on the purpose of the ordinance should be comprehensively explained. The different conditions or circumstances regarding the ordinance should be listed or enumerated, so that the drafted ordinances similarity and distinction to the other laws could be properly presented or modified, if needed. Moreover, the ordinance should be concise, exact, simple, and consistent (Rivera, 1956). Consistency in the words used in the ordinance should be properly observed. Ambiguous and vague terms should be deleted to avoid perplexities in its context. Also, the ordinance is in its best form if it is written in the language understood by most of the citizens in the place where it would be implemented. This attribute is present in the municipality of Pakil, where almost all of the ordinances, memorandums, and resolutions made by the local government are written in Filipino. Lastly, the validity and effectiveness of the ordinance should be clearly presented. A valid and good municipal ordinance is a positive, general and equal in its operation as a law and reasonable in its terms (Rivera, 1956 p. 221). The authority of the municipal ordinance is effective when the LGU and the SB members who make it are organized. The power of the ordinance should also conform to the different laws that were implemented by the national government, the provincial government and other higher government authorities. Most importantly, substance of the ordinance is more important than its form. The strategies on ordinance drafting that were presented will most probably result to a comprehensive ordinance that can be easily passed, enacted and implemented. However, a certain SB member in the municipality of Pakil stated that although an ordinance has been well-craftedly made, other factors could determine its approval. Lack of alliances with the other SB members to achieve the vote of two-thirds is a huge factor that can affect the outcome of the drafted ordinance. If the ordinance will not be approved it can either be set aside for further motion or it can be ignored as if no one considered its content. And the most crucial determining factor is the approval of the mayor or the LCE on the said ordinance. In Pakil, there had been disagreements between the LCE and some members of the SB, resulting to the disapproval of certain ordinances although comprehensively made which can certainly provide beneficial things for the citizens. For this reason, patronage politics is shown as concept that can be a subtle but a very powerful factor that is involve in the governance at the municipal level. Although competence in doing their duties and fu nctions is considered an advantage of elected officials as policy-makers in ordinance drafting, there are still many determinants of what would be the outcome, the approval or disapproval of an ordinance, which can set a huge impact in the development and progress of the LGU. In addition to the strategies of the elected officials as good decision-makers and policy-makers, they must also be familiar or at least have knowledge on good fiscal management. Fiscal policies greatly affect the economic stability of the LGUs, which is why political influence and lack of serious analysis regarding their economic implications should be properly suspended (de Guzman, 1973). Also, the tax of the citizens serves as the bloodline of the LGUs, which is why the elected officials should strategize on how to use it efficiently. The financial and material resources in a municipality are usually very limited. Subsequently, the capacity to use these resources economically is necessary. The elected officials should still know the basics of local budgeting although they are not the ones who will administer the funds. This is necessary because budget estimates are made by the elected officials as part of the projects they are initiating. If the mentioned strategies will be proper ly followed and applied, the improvement and progress of the municipality can be truly achieved. Although the strategies of the elected officials are indicator of progress in the way of governing a certain municipality, in general, good governance in the municipal setting is not just solely determined by their responsiveness in doing their duties and functions. The reactions and feedbacks of the citizens, whether good or bad, affect the strategies they are using for the development and progress of the municipality. As stakeholders, the citizens have the capacity to bargain and lobby policies implemented to them. They have the resources, which is not limited financially or materially, that influenced the strategies of their elected officials. Yet, there is also another influential institution which is the one behind some strategies that were being applied by the elected officials in the LGUsthe Department of Interior and Local Government. Department of Interior Local Government (DILG) is basically the national governments institution assigned in taking care of the affairs of the LGUs, and other attached agencies in the local government. Its powers and functions includes, assisting the president in the general supervision of LGUs which also consists of the promulgation of policies, implementation laws for public order, security and safety, provides assistance with the local government legislations, the training of police force with civil and nationalistic character, and most importantly, the promotion and monitoring of LGUs local autonomy (DILG Website). Usually in a municipality, a DILG officer is assigned to monitor and guide elected officials in their governance. The DILG officer is the one who organizes seminars and trainings that are needed especially by newly elected officials. DILG provides strategies for the elected officials in the seminars and training they conduct, but these strategies are being modified and indigenized so that it could be applicable in the certain places the elected officials govern. The DILG also checks the ability and competence of all the government officials in the LGU he is assigned to. DILG sees to it that the officials in the local government, especially the elected officials, who is part of the government temporarily, will give their best in providing the basic services for the citizens in their jurisdiction. To achieve good governance in the municipality of Pakil, the DILG is also trying their best to link the gap between the LCE and the SB. To the end the disputes between the two branches of the LGU, the DILG organizes dialogues between these two factions. The SB members stated that they are being viewed as an opposing party to the LCE which concentrates the power and authority on the municipality with its office. This kind of misunderstanding between the LCE and the SB is not yet settled, but the DILG still see to it that the two groups, although have their opposing positions will continue to do their duties and functions to deliver basic services to the people. Although the local government is established for the people and by the people, to directly deliver regular and basic services, the people, as part of the government, must also do their duties and responsibilities as good citizens. Their active participation is needed by the LGU in the monitoring and implementation of programs. This attribute is the most distinguished characteristic of participatory democracy. The system of participatory democracy is also a trend that is better than the traditional representative democracy which limits the responsibility of a citizen to just voting and paying of taxes. It also includes the people in the actual participation in the system of LGUs with the goal of attaining good governance. Through this kind of participation, the people are becoming empowered, which promotes the strict observance in the accountability and transparency of the officials they have elected. Affirmation
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Love And Sacrifices :: essays research papers
Love and Sacrifices What does it mean to love another? To love another person means to feel compassionate towards them, to "feel" what they feel. Caring about someone, and what happens to them is also a sign of love. Sharing a relationship with someone means that you have to be responsible and have to be aware that there will be times when things go wrong. Loving someone means taking these "wrong" things and trying to fix them. What are some signs of love? Making sacrifices is one sign of devotion to another person. When you care about someone, you have to give a little. It all comes with life. In order to receive something, one must sacrifice other things. For example, if having to make a choice between the love of your life and going to a football game, a person who is truly in love, and not just in love with "being in love" will sacrifice the game in order to be with that person. What is the greatest power of potential human speech? (words, language) All humans have the power to communicate with other humans, interact, and share their ideas. The power of speech is what makes it all possible. Communication is the most important thing in the success of a relationship, and for someone to say that they love another is to respect them and their ideas and to want to share with them. The most anyone can ever do for you is listen, and the only way to do that is to communicate that you want to be listened to and that you are willing to listen to the one you love. That is the most anyone can do, and it is a gift of sorts. What is the greatest thing about human love? Being in love gives a sense of completeness, makes one feel as if nothing else is needed in order to survive. Sometimes, being in love can act as a stepping stone, or a doorway into a world you never knew was out there. It can give you a new outlook on things, turn everything you've ever known into something you never thought was possible. Love can also strengthen a "tie" or "bond" that you may have with someone, in a sense that you have that much more in common. What is the greatest expression of love? Sacrificing anything is the greatest expression of your "love". The greatest sacrifice one would have to make is death. Dying for a loved one means that your love wasn't an "It", but a "Thou", and dying only makes it more
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Little Woman, Small World Essay -- Literary Analysis
In a small world, there is not much choice for a simple woman. Throughout history, women often are portrayed as the weaker sex. As a result of this assumption, women try to disassociate themselves from this custom and be more independent with their lives. One of John Steinbeck’s most accomplished short stories, â€Å"The Chrysanthemums,†a story which concerns a married couple and examines Elisa’s dissatisfaction with her life. The story takes place in the Salinas Valley of California in December at Henry Allen’s ranch in the foothills. Elisa is a woman whose life is narrow, unexciting and limited in what she can become by geography and opportunity. She is feeling trapped in a life of servitude and is suppressing a yearning for more. Therefore, Elisa takes a bold step towards her own providence. In â€Å"The Chrysanthemums,†by Steinbeck, Elisa is portrayed as feminine, subservient, and conservative, but through the reality is that she is instead a masculine, frustrated, and sensual being who wants more out of life than her husband Henry offers her. Her portrayal shows her dissatisfaction in life. First characteristic of Elisa is found in a traditional feminine role, working in her garden; however, the narrator describes her appearance using words associated with manliness. For example, her gardening clothes conceal her femininity with a â€Å"man’s black hat†¦clodhopper shoes†¦a big corduroy apron†¦and heavy leather gloves†(460). Her description does not focus on her feminine characteristics, and she could easily be mistaken as a man from the distance. Elisa is gardening and tending her flowers which symbolize of her femininity, but contradicting this femininity is her strength. Steinbeck illustrates Elisa’s energy as she works in the garden t... ... Works Cited Akers, Tim, ed. Vol. 6. Short Stories for Students. Detroit: The Gale Group, 1999. 59-82. Print. Mazzeno, Laurence W., ed. Vol. 2. Masterplots The Big Sky- The Confidential Clerk. 4th ed. Pasadena California: Salem Press, 2011. 1011-12. Print. Palmerino, Gregory J. "Steinbeck's 'The Chrysanthemums'." Explicator 62.3 (2004): 164-167. MLA International Bibliography. EBSCO. Claire Carney Library. Schultz, Jeffrey D, and Luchen Li. Critical Companion to John Steinbeck: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work. New York: Facts On File, 2005. Print. Steinbeck, John. "The Chrysanthemums." Literature Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. Robert DiYanni. Second ed. Boston: New York University, 2008. 459-66. Print. Timmerman, John H. The Dramatic Landscape of Steinbeck's Short Stories. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1990. 173-79. Print.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Kissinger, Metternich, Realism :: History
Kissinger, Metternich, Realism Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State during the Nixon administration, sculpted his statesmanship from the realistic ideals of Prince Klemens von Metternich, who served as the Minister of Austrian Affairs nearly 160 years earlier. Although Kissinger has denied fashioning his ideas after Metternich, he believed the following to be true: legitimacy is one of the most important factors regarding revolution and war, and that disorder is far worse than injustice. Revolution, by definition, is a dramatic change in ideas or practices. Kissinger and Metternich both agreed that, in the rare case that revolution was a legitimate idea, pacing was critical. Change needs to be gradual. A sudden change in either political or social ideas or rulers, they believed, could result in chaos and disorder. This disorder, in turn, can lead to crimes against one another because justice is lacking. Actions are born from chaos and become chaotic themselves. A revolution is, in most cases, born out of fear, whether that fear is legitimate or not. Take the American Revolution, for example. King George III was over-taxing the colonists. They wanted to be free of British rule so they revolted. This was one of the few legitimate revolutions because it had a direct affect on the people. A new country was founded on the blood of many men, but it is important to remember that a nation can live forever. A revolution, no matter where and when it occurs, will almost always have certain similar outcomes. A successful revolution, whether legitimate or not, allows new powers to rise and allows for revolutionary chieftains develop. Napoleon is an example of this. He and his aggressive leadership was a product of the French Revolution. As realists, both Kissinger and Metternich understood different motivations for revolutions and war. They believed objectivity is difficult to achieve and that m any factors enter a person’s decisions. Kissinger also felt that taking an idealistic approach to issues only resulted in disenchantment of the people. What starts out with good intentions towards hope of changing the world don’t always end up that way as was demonstrated by President Wilson’s unsuccessful try for democracy in the Muslim Middle East. In a world filled with disorder, order can be achieved by causing fear in the people. Saddam Hussein serves as an extreme example of this. He created order in Iraq by making his countrymen fear him. Saddam inundated his country with statues and posters of himself everywhere the people looked.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Body Shop Marketing Essay
1) Anita Roddick created the body shop in 1976 with the objective of opening an environmentally conscious cosmetic store. Today, the Body Shop (BS) has grown from being a single â€Å"hippie†store in England to a multinational company with over 2265 stores in 50 countries enjoying sales of ? 820,000 in 2006/2007 period. (mintel 2006) People say that â€Å"one person cannot make a difference†but Anita Roddick proved it wrong by sticking to here ideals and ideas of doing business. This extract from the Body Shop’s mission statement ‘to dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change’ (www. thebodyshop. co. uk), shows us how she created a new way of dealing with customer needs and wants. She saw it as a better option to put customer and society in the first place and by doing so, gain sales for good conduct. This way of doing business was not only proved to be extremely successful but many marketers followed the BS concepts, attempting to maximise potential profit by imitating Dame Anita Roddick’s set of ideals or values. Throughout this essay, we will investigate how Anita Roddick successfully used marketing tools to promote her chain of shops and her strong principles and see how today’s businesses can follow Roddick’s footsteps in successfully targeting the emergence of new consumer groups in the organic food market. Anita Roddick’s BS has not been an immense success for no reason. An explanation of the BS general success in world markets is that she was one of the pioneers in developing a more ethically based business. We will have a look at how she maximised the 4 P’s (product, place, promotion and price) to promote her chain of shops and strong principles. Product The BS sells and produces cosmetics and toiletries made from natural ingredients all over the world targeting principally women with a medium to high income and with deep social conscience and commitment. Its product range can be divided into eight categories each including a range of quality products. Each body lotion, shampoo, bath & shower gel, etc. comes in different sizes in recycled, recyclable or biodegradable packaging. The Product Life Cycle of the BS is still in the growing stages as competition is still increasing due to an increase in interest in the industry’s potential. Furthermore, the market is continuously evolving as more and more people become more ethically aware. Branding is very important as it differentiates the company from other skincare companies. Anita Roddick managed to create a brand which positioned itself as promoting good environmental ethics at a time where Europe was becoming â€Å"greener†, strongly differentiating itself from companies looking to increase profits at any legal cost to the environment and to society. But since the French cosmetic giant L’Oreal bought the BS, BrandIndex measured a drastic drop in the ratings of BS reputation. Even though, the company promised to keep its ethical cosmetic brand intact, the public’s opinion on the BS did not take long to change. (http://www. brandrepublic. com) Price The Body Shop has been able to set premium prices because of the assumption that people would be willing to pay more for a product which they think is contributing to social and ethical issues. The fact that the BS is involved in issues such as fair trade, animal testing and has strong environmental views gave them the competitive advantage of product differentiation. But since competitors such as Boots or Bath & Bodyworks in the states have started their own natural product range at prices below the BS, profits have decreased in comparison to previous years. From 2002 to 2003 sales grew by only 5% compared with competitors whose sales rose by 27% in the same period. It could also be said that the BS prices are in the mid market pricing range as there are products more expensive such as for example Boots natural-based products but much cheaper than Chanel or Estee Lauder beauty products. Furthermore, the cost of production of the BS products may be higher because of fair trade issues with local communities. But critiques say that the â€Å"Trade not Aid†projects are simply a marketing tool and that not even 1% of the sales go to the projects. (www. mcspotlight. org) Promotion The BS way of advertising has mostly been done through indirect advertising. Indeed, by associating themselves to Greenpeace or the save the whales project or by doing fare trade with indigenous communities for example, journals, newspapers and magazines have written about the company’s products, campaigns and beliefs without the company actually carrying out or spending any money into promotion campaigns. The BS believes that beauty is reality and strongly disagrees on the advertising campaigns trying to glamorise their products – ‘We're saying our products will moisturize, cleanse and polish; they will not perform miracles. (Mrs Galanti, 1997). This was stated in 1997 after the release of a rare mainstream campaign called â€Å"Love your body†due to increased competition in the marketplace. The Body Shop also makes extensive use of its web site, delivery lorries and shop windows to communicate its campaigns and beliefs. Packaging is also a way of promoting a product. By showing consumers that the BS is involved in recycling plast ic bottles used in the packaging of a product for example, it positions itself furthermore in the customers mind as being an environmentally caring organisation. It also tried to push consumers to use refills but the impact of this campaign was minimal. Furthermore the BS also called for more people to recycle their old mobile phone. (Mintel, 2004) Place The BS looks closely at the store location, as customer accessibility to the store is very important. They are usually located on high streets, in department concessions depending on important factors of accessibility such as parking, visibility or even public transport. Stores are usually arranged as a boutique layout with products arranged according to their function. The atmosphere of the BS retail outlets is relaxed and sympathetic, inherent to the overall design of the BS shops. There is plenty of information on ingredients and the origin of the product available to the customer. Furthermore the BS rapid growth and international expansion was helped through franchising. Finally, the rise in demand for ethical products has provided many opportunities for marketers. Dame Anita Roddick, was one of the first to point that out and through product innovation and brand reputation, she managed to build a multinational company from virtually nothing. However, today’s cosmetic market has highly evolved and is far more competitive than it used to be. The challenge for the company is to revitalise its retail outlets, improve their product offer and brand communications in order to grow store sales and invest in employee development and customer service. 2) Markets within an economy rapidly change offering opportunities for companies to increase profit and to expand. The marketer’s job is to react to these changes and put the company in the right direction. The organic food market for example has grown rapidly with consumers increasing spending on â€Å"ethical†food by 800 million to approximately ? 5. 6 billion in 2006 (â€Å"Ethical consumerism report 2006†- Co-operative bank). Furthermore, most developed countries are seeing a rise in organic produce, ‘The organic market has boomed in recent years, growing by 25% annually on average’ – (www. timesonline. co. uk). These figures show us that the organic movement is moving on a global scale with an increase in consumer interest in how and where food is produced. It could be said that the rise in the demand for organic products is due to the rising average age and due to media spotlight. Indeed, media are constantly focusing on the consequences of climate change and on how the earth’s resources are being depleted pushing fellow human beings to act more responsibly and ethically in what food products they buy. This has lead people to believe that by eating organic food, a person will stay healthy – ‘studies in 2006 and 2007 have found higher levels of Vitamin C in organic fruit and 68 per cent higher levels of omega-3 in organic whole milk than non-organic whole milk. (www. bbc. co. uk). On the other hand, with more elderly people in the UK after the baby boom of the early 50’s, the market is likely to see people buying organic/healthy food rather than GM food offering new opportunities to marketers in terms of how to advertise and promote their products. This could be done through promotional campaigns aimed at elde rly people, informing them of the availability of organic food in their respective supermarkets or by associating the organisation to environmentally friendly associations such as Greenpeace and beneficiate of indirect advertising. To be the first to come into a customers mind as being an organisation which cares about the environment would definitely give the company a strong competitive advantage. Two of the major leading supermarkets such as Tesco and Sainsbury have both recognised these changing consumer needs and have introduced organic food and organic policies within their stores – ‘To meet this growing demand Sainsbury’s has re-launched its organic range as Sainsbury’s SO organic and is committed to broadening the appeal of and extending its comprehensive range of organic foods. ’ (www. jsainsburys. co. uk). Additionally, Sainsbury has recently ‘banned the use of palm oil from unsustainable sources in its own-brand products’ which has been argued by Greenpeace as a â€Å"positive first step†towards the end of the destruction of the Indonesian rainforest (www. marketingweek. co. uk). Another way of promoting the organisation could be to introduce fair trade products in our supermarkets aisles. This would not necessarily be done in a profit objective scheme but instead to show customers the organisation’s involvement in helping local communities even though profits could be made if an appropriate marketing strategy was applied. Another important factor to consider is packaging as it can be used for promotional purposes. This could give them an advantage over rival companies that may not sell organic food. Additionally, organisation could also concentrate on creating â€Å"greener friendly†packaging – ‘A UK company has launched a new range of convenience food packs manufactured from biodegradable plastic. ’ – showing their awareness of the influence they have on the environment and their dedication to play a role in conserving the planet. (http://www. foodanddrinkeurope. com). The difficulty for the marketer will be to set attractive and adequate organic packaging at the lowest possible prices. This brings us to price considerations. Organic food is without a doubt more expensive to produce and sell than non-organic food giving the marketer the difficult challenge of setting a competitive price with rivals and at a level that still sees the company being profitable. It is also important that marketers are aware of how much people are willing to pay for organic food in order to maximise profits. Moreover, prices are set to increase as ‘exceptionally high market growth rates are causing demand to outpace supply. (http://www. organicmonitor. com) On the other hand, The Food Standard Agency and scientists still believe that organic food as a whole, is not necessarily healthier for a person than GM food – ‘there is no scientific evidence to suggest organic food is healthier’ (www. guardian. co. uk). Furthermore, Chefs such as Gordon Ra msay argue that organic food is overpriced and questions its authenticity ‘The problem with organic food is that it has become hip and trendy, overhyped, overpriced and inconsistent. Unfortunately there is now a snob factor attached to it. ’ (www. timesonline. co. k) On this point, marketers will have to make sure that they undertake effective advertising campaigns as well as detailed branding and packaging to promote their products as being healthier than other foods in order to maintain high sales. The reason the organic market has grown so much in the last decade is definitely due to a rise in ethical consumerism. Indeed, after some companies were exposed by the media to how they really operated – i. e. illegal sweatshops for example- and the constant media coverage on the damage caused by humans to the earth, saw consumers take a more ethical approach to purchasing. This why it is so important to show consumers that the organisation is active in sustaining the earth and its resources. Today, the image of the company should be of first importance to marketers. Tesco and other supermarkets have already revised their strategy and offer for example to use plastic bags more than once- â€Å"Tesco claimed that shoppers had used one million bags less than they would normally expect. †(www. recycling-guide. org. uk). J Sainsbury’s reacted by cutting back on carbon emissions produced by their outlets- â€Å"We are currently looking at the big picture regarding carbon emissions and the part Sainsbury's play in that. We have been extremely proactive over the last 10 years on all aspects of energy efficiency. †(Alison Austin, 2007). All these supermarket behaviour changes are done in the objective to remain competitive. Marketers understand that if their company is seen to be â€Å"green†then it is likely to be successful in the market. Finally, whichever strategy marketers do choose to adopt, it will eventually determine their level of success in an ever changing society which now focuses on being ethical and more aware of the environment. 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Since southern plantation
African Americans keenly engaged in the cause of American independence, fought courageously in the early conflicts with the British. Though the revolution liberated some African Americans and set the country on a path toward the elimination of slavery, political adjustment to plantation owners prevented release for many African Americans in the south for another 90 years.A Negro was among the first martyrs in the wave of patriotism. African Americans fought at the battles of Lexington and Concord. One of the last men injured in the battle as the British runaway to Boston was a Negro, Prince Estabrook, from West Lexington.In the next 2 months, Peter Salem and other 20 African Americans were in the ranks, when the British attacked an American site outside Boston in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Congress required support from the South if the colonies were to triumph in their independence war against England.Since southern plantation owners desired to keep their slaves, they were scared to give arms to African Americans. (Lawler, 2002)On March 5, 1770, Crispus Attucks along with several other patriots from Boston objected to the British restricting the civil liberties in their Massachusetts colony.Attucks and his fellows were shot and killed during a fight with British soldiers. More than 5,000 African Americans later took up the cause and fight for America’s independence. Unluckily, independence for most African Americans would have to wait. (Owens, 2002)Congress commanded all African Americans to be terminated from the army, but African American veterans requested directly to George Washington. Washington took up their cause with John Hancock, the then president of the Continental Congress. African Americans serving in the army were permitted to stay, but new hiring was prohibited.Though the Declaration of Independence affirms that â€Å"all men were created equal,†many African Americans shortly observed more prospects on the British side. The Britis h governor of Virginia assured instant independence and income to any Negro who would join the Royal army.The devotions of African Americans were a grave concern for the American leaders for the reason that African Americans were around twenty percent out of the two-million colonial population. With the British army already in obvious majority, the American troops, and hiring hard for the patriots, the northern colonies before long began to recruit African Americans.Rhode Island formed a regiment almost completely of African Americans. As the battle continued, colonies which were far south like for instance Virginia and Maryland were enlisting free African Americans for the independence war.As the war stretched out into the South, Congress realized it needed to enlist slaves as soldiers. It suggested paying South Carolina slave owners $1,000 for male slaves. The South Carolina Assembly warned to leave the war, ending the plan in the southernmost colonies.Enlistment of African Americ ans to the American independence continued further north, but the patriots were comparatively less triumphant than the British.The proposal of instant independence completed by Virginia’s inauspicious loyalist governor was eventually made by the British all through the colonies. Slaves joined the British in immense quantity. (Owens, 2002)The fate of the loyalist African Americans varied considerably. Several became the creators of the British colony of Sierra Leone in West Africa.Although the British proposed slaves a better deal, many African Americans continued serving on the American side. African Americans had been in the labor force on ships and at seaports for long. A large number of troops of African Americans combating on the American side were brought to the continent by the French.The actual role of African Americans in the revolution is hard to quantify. Pennsylvania, in 1780, became the first colony to pass a law against slavery. Vermont ruled out slavery and Conn ecticut and Rhode Island passed steady liberation laws. The international slave trade was abolished in 1808. (Lawler, 2002)A bang in cotton production stretched the slave economy in the lower part of Mississippi Valley. Slave nations were cautious to organize at least half the political influence in the national government, jamming any federal progress in opposition to slavery until the Civil War.Thousands of African American Soldiers from 13 colonies battled in the Continental militia throughout America’s war for independence from Great Britain. African American Soldiers exchanged blows in every major fight of the war, usually in included units.A noteworthy exemption was the 1st Rhode Island Regiment which was first all-African American unit. In 1778 the regiment overpowered three attacks by the British all through the mà ªlà ©e for Rhode Island and later on in 1781 they contributed in the conquest at Yorktown.In the year 1778, they brawled in the combat of Rhode Island on the Island of Aquidneck. They effectively held their line for four hours against British-Hessian attacks, allowing the whole American Army to run away.The regiment saw additional service during the Revolutionary War, including Yorktown. Unluckily, these Negro soldiers did not receive any reimbursement for their service after the conflicts.Several Americans recognized the paradox of slave African Americans fighting under the flag of the Declaration of Independence. Slave labour created the great export crops of the South like for instance indigo, tobacco, naval stores and rice. Who could forecast what escape from the British Empire might indicate for Negro people in America?Lord Dunmore, Virginia’s British governor, swiftly saw the susceptibility of the South's slaveholders. Dunmore and the British were soon debarred from Virginia, but the panorama of previous fortified slaves combating beside the British must have struck trepidation into cultivation experts across the South. (Owens, 2002)ConclusionAn approximated 5,000 African American soldiers served the patriot side during the Revolutionary War. Vigilant contrasts between muster rolls and church, census, and other accounts have lately assisted to recognize many African American soldiers. The employment of African Americans as soldiers was circumvented by General Washington and the parliament early in the warfare. The panorama of fortified slave rebellions confirmed more intimidating to the white society rather than British redcoats.General Washington permitted the recruitment of free African Americans with â€Å"prior military experience†in January 1776, and expanded the enlistment conditions to all free African Americans in January 1777 in order to help fill up the worn-out ranks of the Continental Army. Because the states continuously were unsuccessful to meet their allocation of manpower for the army, Congress approved the enlistment of all African Americans, free and slave, in 1777.Out of all the southern nations, only Maryland allowed African Americans to hire. In 1779, Congress proposed slave masters in South Carolina and Georgia $1,000 for every slave they gave to the army, but the parliaments of both states declined the proposal. Thus, the North holds the highest number of African American soldiers in the American army. (Owens, 2002)The Revolution modified lives of some African Americans, though nothing approaching full equality. The brave martial service of African Americans and the ground-breaking character eliminated slavery in New England almost instantly. Many of the founders hoped that slavery would ultimately vanish from the American SouthReferencesLawler, Edward, Jr., â€Å"Letters recognize those who served George Washington in Philly as distinct individuals,†Philadelphia Inquirer, August 28, 2002Owens, Robert M., â€Å"Jean Baptiste Ducoigne, the Kaskaskias, and the Limits of Thomas Jefferson’s Friendships,†Journal of Illinois Hi story, 5:2 (Summer 2002), 109-136
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Art of Washing Dishes
Process Analysis: The Art of Washing Dishes Eibby Porras Hodges University ENG-0992 Professor Greg Durrschmidt July 9, 2012 Process Analysis: The Art of Washing Dishes My Aunt Grace taught me a very important lesson: the art of washing dishes. When I was eight years old, she invited me to her home for dinner. Afterwards, taking me to her modest kitchen, she asked me to help her wash dishes. She started by telling me the story of how she learned with my great grandmother and today was my opportunity to learn this splendid lesson.This method starts before getting to the sink at the dinning table, by dividing all dishes. At the sink, they are carefully washed with soap and water in a specific order. The process comes to an end by drying and putting everything away. Her rule was never leave dirty dishes over hour in the sink and even worst never leave them for the next day, because it was unhygienic. This of course was many years ago.This process starts at the dinning table; once everyon e has finished eating, they are excuse to leave the table. The first step is to clean all the dishes from leftovers; then the plates are arranged by dimension and they are piled up carefully without making a lot of noise, then all silverware is put together and finally glasses are picked up. Next, all dishes are taken to the sink; the amazing part is that no soaking is required because as soon as everyone is finished, dishes are washed.The next step is to put soap on a sponge and start washing first all glasses as a result; glasses will be free from stains and grease. Consequently, plates are washed with soap and water. Finally, all silverware is washed. All dishes are then rinsed off following the same order glasses, plates and silverware placing them on dish rack. Glasses need to be facing down, so that water runs down from the inside faster, plates are put vertically and silverware can be put vertically or horizontally.Back in the day there was not optional to leave dishes out to dry by them selves, dishes had to be dried with a towel and then placed back in the cabinet. In conclusion, I have to admit that being a housewife is not a easy job, personally I dislike doing dishes not matter which way they are done; oftentimes when I leave dishes overnight I wake up saying to myself Aunt Grace said do dishes within an hour. I reminisce and cherish that moment. It was a very special day.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Effective Leadership in a Hair Salon Essay
Abstract An effective leader has the power to improve the success in an organization. This paper will demonstrate the characteristics and behaviors of Tava Jackson as an effective leader in managing her hair salon. It will discuss her personal power, political skills, and decision making style. The four dimensions of transitional leadership behavior will be the main focus of Mrs. Jackson’s leadership performance in the workplace. Critical thinking steps developed by Browne &Keeley (2010) and theories explained by Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson (2013) will support how Mrs. Jackson is an effective leader and her impact on me in the salon. Introduction Colquitt et al. (2013) defines leadership as, â€Å"the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement†(p. 450). Tava Jackson upholds suitable skills in her salon, empowering her employees to achieve their goals. This paper will discuss her ethical leadership qualities, supported by scholarly articles, and explain how it has impacted me as her employee. I will demonstrate her abilities by explaining the following: How her personal power influences the behavior of her employees?; the political skills in networking ability and social astuteness to increase her understanding of employees; and her consultative style in leader decision- making allowing the organization to work as a team. Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized considerations are the four dimensions of transitional leadership behavior that will emphasis her effective leadership skills. I will analyze the reasons, assumptio ns, logical agreements free from fallacies, verifiable evidence, causes, significant information omitted, and reasonable conclusions. The finalizing will be of Mrs. Jackson personal reflection as a leader. Context Tava Jackson, owner of Hairtopia Salon, as owned her salon for over five years. Her business constantly grows because of the characteristics and behaviors she maintains in the workplace. Over ten years ago, she received a license to teach individuals the art of hair. Within her salon, Mrs. Jackson not only hires individuals to work, but provides them with the knowledge to be better in the cosmetic business. She has taken specific classes to enhance hair abilities, maintaining awards in outstanding achievement by John Amico and advanced cut and color by TONI &GUT TIGI. I have worked with her since sixteen years of age, and she has continuously impacted me through her influential abilities, determination to achieve in the workplace, interaction with client and employees, and capabilities of making rational decisions. I would like to own my salon in the future, and she has impacted me has a leader to follow certain strategies and techniques with the abilities I obtain to achieve that go al. She is an effective leader who inspires individuals through her job performance and work ethic. Theoretical Framework Yunus and Anuar (2012) state that, â€Å"transformational leadership empowers others to become open-minded, independent individuals capable of exercising leadership†(p. 651). Transformational leaders are effective leaders in a salon, with the accumulation of personal power, political skills, and consultative style of leadership decision making. Power can come from the management position an individual has in a salon. It can give the person the capability to award or discipline others. Colquitt et al. (2013) mentions, â€Å"expert power derives from a person’s expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend†(p.421). Individuals with power have a talent or skills that others don’t possess, attracting others who want to retain that skill. Salon managers hold high positions based on their extraordinary performance, problem solving skills, and understanding of the tasks needed to accomplish the jobs mission. Political skills is the aptitude to efficiently understanding others at work, and using that understanding to influence others in ways that increase personal and/or organizational objectives (Colquitt et al., 2013, p.427). Networking ability and social astuteness are two parts in political skills. Moss and Barbuto (2010) explain network ability to be the strongest display of a successful leader (p.156). Network ability shows the impressive valuation of job performance. A personal skill that permits an individual to understand and respond effectively to the work condition is social astuteness. Moss and Barbuto (2010) discussed social astuteness as â€Å"the ability to understand men and women, boy and girls- to act wisely in human relations†(p. 159). When a leader discussed a problem with employees, taking in opinions and suggestions before finalizing a decision in the work place is consultative decision- making (Colquitt et al., 2013, p.427). A salon manager essentially needs to make ethical decisions as a leader. Their decisions can have a particular influential consequence, since it involves numerous business deals and interactions with so many people (Woiceshyn, 2011, p.311). Transformational leadership is defined as â€Å"the capability of the leaders who influence changes in visions, strategies, and cultures of an organization†(Sookaneknun and Ussahawanitchakit, 2012, p. 79). Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized considerations are the four dimensions of transitional leadership behavior. Idealized influence is when a leader can deliver their ideas to their employees and be an influential role model for the employee. Inspiring and motivating employees to visualize what they will receive from accomplishing the business goals is inspirational motivation. Intellectual stimulation is the skill a leader obtains to develop the employees capabilities. Showing care and importance to the employee allows them to feel valued in the business is individual consideration. Transitional leadership is seen as an additional motivational method to leadership than other management methods (Colquitt et al., 2013, p.462). Framework: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-> Application and Analysis What makes Tava Jackson an effective leader in her hair salon? How has her leadership impacted me personally in the salon? Colquitt et al. (2013) explained leadership effectiveness as, â€Å"the degree to which the leader’s actions result in the achievement of the units goals, the continued commitment of the unit’s employees, and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader–member dyads†(p. 452). The main concepts that are defined are that leaders use power and influence. Her inimitable qualities that make her an effective leader are the power and influence she maintains in the workplace. Mrs. Jackson’s personal power influences the behavior of her employees by ensuring that they are skilled in the field and updated with new techniques of the season. Her awards received from her work performance by John Amico and large clientele influences her employees to want the same knowledge and expertise skills to increase their clien tele. Mrs. Jackson takes time to understand what each employee is talented at, influencing them to expand that talent by networking. Moss and Barbuto (2010) stated how networking can bring promotion and increased salary impacting leadership performance (p. 160). The ability she possess to socially astute her employees displays her capability to understand her each individual. Every employee in the salon is affect from decisions made by Mrs. Jackson. She cares about the opinions her employees have, so when decisions need to be made she listens to their suggestions. Her consultative style in leader decision- making expressions her ethical understanding to make employees feel heard in the workplace. Mrs. Jackson empathy toward her employees my cause them to trust and respect her more. â€Å"Transformational leadership is a type of leader that can promote organizational innovation capability†described by Sookaneknun and Ussahawanitchakit (2012, p. 79). Mrs. Jackson is an idealized influence when she plans meetings to inform staff on ways to increase profit with her various ideas. She lays out a vision that ins pires other to be part of the project. When she goes to different classes, to stay updated in the cosmetic field, it is motivational and inspires others to follow her tactics. Mrs. Jackson intellectually stimulates her employees by taking them to hair shows like, Bonner Brother, Nirobi, and Dudley, to let them see skills outside of the workplace that will inspire them to try new techniques. This brings out talent that individuals may not have known they obtained. Skills are developed from Mrs. Jackson’s effort to open minds to innovative things. She cares about her employees by individually considering their needs to advance and improve in the field, by personal training when they feel they need more understanding. Conclusions and Reflections Tava Jackson is a transitional leader that has impacted me personally I have been through about four salons. I started out at Hairtopia Salon, but while in college I had to relocate. I have seen poor leadership in managers, not being considerate or willing to provide professional knowledge to improve their employees in the workplace. She personally impacted me through her influential abilities. I am not sure how she continues the have these skills, and what she went through to gain the skills she obtains. Mrs. Jackson acquires numerous abilities from research found, explaining her growth and the growth of her employees. In the ethical decision- making assessment I scored a 41/50 showing I possess good skills in ethical decision-making. This research shows that there are multiple qualities that can be obtain to be an effective leader in a hair salon. My manager’s effective leadership behaviors and characteristics opened my mind to other capabilities I will need for future skill in managing my own salon. References Browne, M.N., & Keeley, S.M. (2012). Asking the right questions: A guide to critical thinking. (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson Colquitt, J.A., Lepine, J.A., & Wesson, M.J. (2013). Organizational behavior: improving performance and commitment in the workplace (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Mc-Graw- Hill Irwin. Moss, J.A., & Barbuto Jr., J.E. (2010). Testing the relationship between interpersonal political skills, altruism, leadership success and effectiveness: A multilevel model. Journal of Behavior &Applied Management, 11(2), 155-174. Sookaneknun, S., & Ussahawanitchakit, P. (2012). Transitional leadership, organizational innovation capability, and firm performance of cosmetic business in Thailand. Journal of International Business & Economics. 124), 77-91 Woiceshyn, J. (2011). A model for ethical decision making in business: Reasoning, intuition, and rational moral principle. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(311-323). Doi:1007/s10551-011-0910-1 Yunus, N. J., & Anuar, S. (2012). Trust as moderating effect between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership styles. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(10), 650-663
Friday, September 13, 2019
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Strengths and Difficulties Essay
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for measuring emotional andor behavioural difficulties in children or adolescents - Essay Example This paper is going to account for a survey conducted on the basis of particular objectives. The SDQ acts a psychometric tool to assess multifaceted academic as well as nonacademic parameters for defining the self. (Rush et al., p. 370) As a behavioural screening instrument, the SDQ has earned itself an international status by virtue of its effectiveness. Extensive research studies and surveys are carried out prior to an SDQ so that all probable measuring constructs are utilised to their fullest potential. The calculative scales include 1) Emotional symptoms, 2) Conduct problems, 3) Hyperactivity / Inattention, 4) Peer problems and 5) Prosocial behaviour. Generally all the 5 measuring components are taken into consideration for a thorough and result-oriented investigation. (Goodman, 1997) Departing from the broader context of SDQs, this assignment zooms on the inventories obtained and used for looking into behavioural difficulties in native Australian children. Quantitative analysis is generally preferred to quantitative scoring since the former approach incorporates more statistical data. The logic behind taking a huge quantity for an authentic and reliable result is that it nullifies the risk of errors in categorisation for scores that are just above and below the accepted cut-off parameter. For example, if the cut off point for a specific diagnosis is set as 15, any score just above and below 15 (such as 14 and 16) is... The indigenous grouping was preferred to random selection on the basis of social and psychological relatedness among the candidates. They were picked from urban areas and outskirts of Western Australia. (Western Australia Aboriginal Child Health Survey, 2007) The teacher report was designed as per the standardised measuring scale format, including the previously mentioned 25 psychological attributes. The teacher version of the questionnaire demonstrated credibility as far as representing the community sample is concerned, and it also identified different classes of disorders within the non-subjective sample. (Muris et al., 1-8) Based on the findings, the total Strength and Difficulties score arrayed from 0 to 40. Those who aggregated scores between 0 and 13 were classified into low risk category; those who aggregated scores between 14 and 16 were grouped under moderate risk and the rest scoring between 17 and 40 were reported to have high risk as far as emotional and/or behavioural difficulties was concerned. Needless to mention, the high risk category needed special clinical attention. In this project, scores obtained the first 4 of the 5 scales were amassed initially to measure the Strength and Difficulties sum score. The following table illustrates on this furthermore: SDQ Teacher Rated Score Sheet: Total Difficulties Score (25 Items) Emotional Symptoms Scale (Score Range 0-10) Not True Somewhat True Certainly True Score Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches Many worries, often seems worried Often unhappy, depressed or tearful Nervous or clingy in alien situation Many fears, easily scared Total= Conduct Problems Scale (Score Range 0-10) Not True Somewhat True Certainly True Score Often has temper tantrums or hot
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