Wednesday, November 27, 2019
World War Term Paper Topics
World War Term Paper Topics So your professor just assigned you a horribly long 8 page history term paper assignment, and gave you a week to accomplish it. If that happened – you have come to the right place as our term paper writing company will help and give you a couple of tips on how to write an excellent world war term paper, and make sure the professor will also acknowledge your efforts. In the best case – the professor gave you a list of topics to choose from and you can pick either topic and be graded equally with other world war term paper topics. In this case you won’t have to panic, as all you simply need to do – is conduct a proper research and write a good world war term paper. The worst you can do – is fail the world war term paper text, and not cover the topic properly. This totally depends on you, and if you manage to write a good text – everything will be great, or simply order a custom world war term paper and let the writer choose a good topic from all your given world war term paper topics. In the worst case – the professor will not limit you with the world war term paper topics, and you will have to come up with one of your own. This definitely will be harder and you will have to put in more effort to write a good paper. Now, not only the text of your world war term paper results your grade but the world war term paper topic as well. When thinking of a good world war term paper topic – you need to try to find a world war term paper topic vague enough for you to be creative and imaginative, but specific enough to be able to focus on a specific aspect. For example, if you are thinking to write a world war term paper named World War I – it will be a very vague topic, and you won’t be able to cover all the material in 8 pages, as world war will probably take 40 or more pages, and if you focus on a specific aspect of the World War I – you will need to name the paper appropriately. Try finding an interesting topic in the World War I section, such as The role of women in the World War I. This topic is specific enough, and will show your professor the main idea of your paper. As soon as you have come up with the best world war term paper topic – you need to start writing the structure of your world war term paper. The structure is something that tells you what to write about, and the order of your thoughts. When developing the structure of your world war term paper, you need to perform a little brainstorming and make sure you cover the whole subject you have chosen. Brainstorming will help you make sure not one single idea is missed. Some ideas you come with might seem crazy, but still write them down. Maybe in future you will develop a better thought, based on a crazy idea you have written down. When writing a paper on World War I, the internet and libraries are not your only source of information. Try to find some other unique sources which will make your world war term paper more interesting and personal. A great way to do that is to check if your ancestors have something: Diaries, notebooks, journals will do. This way you will show your history professor that there is much more you know, than is provided in class, and you will have a great mark for your world war term paper. The list of possible World War essay topics: 1. The Beginning of World War II 2. Origins of World War I 3. Women In World War II 4. Who Started World War I? 5. Major Weapons in World War II 6. Was the First World War a Total war for Britain? 7. The Causes and Effects of World War I 8. Ireland during World War II 9. American Reflections of World War I: The Great War 10. Reasons for Russia entering the WWI 11. Civil War in the Former Yugoslavia During World War II 12. Similarities and differences between the first and second World Wars 13. Causes Consequences of WWI 14. DBQ on WWI 15. United States’ Involvement in WWI 16. The Colossus: A Great Invention of WWII 17. Hitlers Search for Religious Artifacts During WWII 18. How Effective was Canadas Role in WWII?
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to prepare for a job interview when the interviewer is a robot -TheJobNetowrk
How to prepare for a job interview when the interviewer is a robot -TheJobNetowrk In today’s job search, a lot of things have been automated or digitized. Your resume is now a PDF that can be sent anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice. Your network may be full of people you haven’t met in person but have developed professional BFF-ships through the many social media options. But even with all of that, it may not occur to you that the interview- the ultimate face-to-face part of the hiring process- might be automated too. As companies look for ways to make their interview process more efficient (and less prone to human error), you may find that your interviewer is†¦not human. If you know ahead of time that you’ll be getting the Westworld version of an interviewer (though with less mayhem, of course), here are some tips for prepping.Don’t worry about small talk†¦You’re not going to score points with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot if you try to find out if you went to the same summer camp or by complim enting their office space. So that’s one less thing to worry about! Ordinarily, we’d recommend brushing up on your handshake skills and your small talk, but such things are much less important when your interviewer doesn’t have†¦hands. An AI-based interview may include some pleasantries built in for basic politeness, but you don’t need to spend much time thinking about how to impress the bot with your small talk skills.†¦but do work on body languageIn many AI interviews, the candidate gives responses to a set of standardized questions while being recorded. That recording is then analyzed for content, and also for visual cues. So while you don’t need to worry about building a rapport with the interview bot, you do need to make sure your body language and speaking skills are on point. That means good posture, confident tone, and eye contact. It also means keeping a close hold on your expressions- cameras can see microexpressions and movemen ts that a regular human interviewer might miss (not having megapixel eyes and all), so poise becomes especially important.Focus on keywordsWhen you’re answering questions that you know will be analyzed by some algorithm before a human ever gets around to reviewing your interview, make sure you’re tailoring your responses. That means focusing on the job description and using words and phrases that relate directly to the job. Remember, you can’t rely on charm to float you through weak points in the interview, because robots don’t have the time or the inclination to bond with you. Before the interview, be sure to read not only the job description but also the company’s website/mission statement/About Us to see what kind of qualities they prioritize and the specific wants they have for this job.Don’t phone it inIf you’re interviewing with some level of AI (a chatbot, a video screen of an oddly perfect-looking humanoid, a voice call with a n automated caller, etc.), don’t act like it’s less important than if you were dealing with a human. It can be tempting to put less effort into a dehumanized interview process, but remember, at some point, a human will be reviewing your interview. If they think you’re not taking the preliminary robot interview seriously, you’re unlikely to get called back for the real-deal, in-person version.With more companies than ever turning to AI to simplify and improve their hiring processes, the odds are ever greater that at some point during your job hunt you’ll have a robot interviewer. It’s the same level of prep, just a different focus. And whether you’re talking to a human or a robot, the goal is always to emphasize the stellar skills and experience that got you the interview in the first place. Good luck!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Textbook Questions Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Textbook Questions Paper - Essay Example However, his degree is qualified as an economics-related course since his A.B. degree in public policy is described as being focused in the economic context. Furthermore, all of them have also completed postgraduate degrees in Economics. Aside from these similarities, it is notable that the governors share similar experiences. Most of them have worked in the academe for manifold years. Thus, holding a position requiring the knowledge of subjects they used to teach is very relevant to their previous work experiences. Additionally, prior to their tenure as members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, all of them held significant positions in different public and private organizations, where they were able to specialize in their own fields. However, it is remarkable how the five governors chanced to work with each other as each of them specialize in their own different fields. Interestingly, their specializations comprise the most fundamental aspects in financial economy, making the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve a good combination of mixed knowledge. Based on the biographies listed on the site, the specializations of the five governors are as follows: Chairman Bernanke, monetary policy and macroeconomics; Vice Chairman Kohn, monetary policies as implemented by financial markets and systems; Governor Kroszner, conflicts of interest in financial services firms, international financial crises, corporate governance, debt restructuring and bankruptcy, and monetary economics; Governor Mishkin, impact of monetary policies on financial markets and the aggregate economy; and Governor Warsh, domestic finance, banking and securities regulatory policy, and consumer protection. 2. The Federal Reserve Bank publishes a report called the Beige Book eight times a year that summarizes the current economic conditions in each of the 12 bank districts. This report is used by the Federal Open Market Committee when
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The incentives created by transparency in the costs of justice or the Dissertation
The incentives created by transparency in the costs of justice or the lack thereof - Dissertation Example However, transparency in this regard is superficial as ordinary members of the public rarely spend time in courts observing trials unless they are parties to a case and thus are wholly unaware of the rulings, the contents of the rulings, the rationale, ratio decidendi and how those rulings compare to previous rulings. Moreover, ordinary members of the public are also generally unaware of the court hierarchal structure and will not know whether or not a ruling by one court is binding on another court or whether or not a ruling in one court is invalid because it failed to follow a ruling by a higher court. In this regard, transparency only benefits experts and members of the public must pay for expert advice and knowledge. Complicating matters, the cost of this advice is far from transparent since it varies from one lawyer to another and changes according to the special circumstances and facts of a particular case. It is against this background that this research study applies game the ory’s coordination model and Nash equilibrium model which theoretically at least, helps to shed light on the factors that influence actors in making the decision to litigate. ... a cost-benefit analysis of the â€Å"legislative and the judicial process of lawmaking.†1 Informed by game theory, this paper uses the model created by Mattiacci and Deffains in analysing the incentives created by transparency in the cost of justice. The results of a survey conducted in Europe involving 1080 respondents are used to confirm the author’s contention that potential litigants are concerned with outcomes and the cost of litigation. In other words, transparency in the cost of justice can result in more litigation if the costs of justice in terms of legal fees and related expenses are low but can result in less litigation if the costs of justice are high or disproportionate to the award contemplated by the dispute. It is therefore concluded that transparency and its twin partner certainty/uncertainty informs the potential litigant’s decision, but only via attorneys who can understand the information generated by precedents and this information is availab le at uncertain costs. Based on information relative to outcome, the law, strategies/intentions of other actors, and the socio-economic cost involved in obtaining relevant information and the desired outcome, potential litigants will decide on one of three things: accept the consequences of the legal dispute and do nothing; settle the matter privately; or rely on formal adjudication to resolve the dispute. Table of contents Abstract 2 Introduction 3 Dari-Mattiacci and Deffains’ Model 9 Research Questions 16 Aims and Objectives 17 Statement of the Problem 17 Significance of the Study 18 Research Methodology 19 Organization of the Study 20 A Review of the Literature 21 Transparency 21 Game Theory 30 Transparency and the Incentive to Litigate or not to Litigate 41 Findings and Conclusion 55 Bibliography 64
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Plato - Philosophy Essay Example for Free
Plato Philosophy Essay The Republic is one of Plato’s longer works (more than 450 pages in length). It is written in dialogue form (as are most of Plato’s books), it addresses major issues in almost all of the branches of philosophy. The central theme in the book seems to be the nature of justice, a topic in political philosophy, but Plato also has his characters explore issues in ? philosophical cosmology, ? philosophical theology, ? philosophical anthropology, ? ethics, ? aesthetics, and ? epistemology. The parts of the Republic that are contained in our text (pp. 107-123) focus on Plato’s idea (ideal?) of the Philosopher Ruler. According to Plato, ? the best possible political system (state) ? will be ruled (governed) ? by PHILOSOPHERS! (Is he kidding? ) Our reading selection contains the following themes/sections: ? ? Introduction on the unifying of philosophy politics (107) Why true philosophers would make the best rulers (108-12) †¢ What is true philosophy? (108-11) †¢ Love of wisdom (108) †¢ Knowledge of true reality (108-9) †¢ The distinctions between knowledge, ignorance and opinion (109-11) †¢ How is a true philosopher different from a lover of opinion? (111-12) †¢ Who is best suited to rule the state – lovers of opinion or true philosophers? (112) ? ? Political leadership and knowledge of the Good (112-13) The ascent of the mind to knowledge of the Good (113-123) †¢ The analogy between the Good and the sun (113-15) †¢ The image of the divided line (115-18) †¢ The allegory of the cave (118-123) The selection in the text begins at a point in the Republic after Socrates, Glaucon, other characters have been discussing the nature of justice and the marks of a just political system for some time. So we are coming into the middle of the conversation where Glaucon is pressing Socrates to state whether it is possible for a really just political system to come into existence. Before answering Glaucon’s question, Socrates wonders whether it is worthwhile to What does he say construct a theoretical model of a good political system even if such a system could about this? Do you agree? Why not actually exist. or why not? Back to Glaucon’s original question: Can a really just (or at least approximately just) political system exist? What would make it possible? (It is the separation of philosophy political power. ) And this leads to . . . . unless political power philosophy are brought together those who now pursue either the one or the other exclusively are prevented from doing so -neither our political problems nor our human troubles in general can be ended . . . . †(Text, pp. 108-111) True Philosophy True Philosophers What are the characteristics of a person who is naturally suited to practice philosophy? According to Socrates (Plato), a true philosopher ? loves the whole of wisdom and is satisfied with nothing less; ? recognizes the difference between particular things and the essences (or forms) of which particular things are likenesses (e.g. , beautiful things vs. Beauty itself); and ? knows the differences between knowledge, ignorance, and opinion. Plato argues that someone who really loves something must love that thing as a whole and not just some aspects of it. On that basis, he concludes that a true philosopher (lover of wisdom) must desire wisdom as a whole and not be content with having just some wisdom. Do you agree with this? Do wine-lovers really love all wines? A true philosopher recognizes the difference between particular things and the essences (or forms) of which particular things are likenesses (e. g. , beautiful things vs.Beauty itself). One of Plato’s major metaphysical theories is known as the â€Å"Theory of Forms. †According to that theory, ultimate reality is a realm of forms (essences) not accessible to the senses but only to the mind (intellect). He calls that level of reality the â€Å"intelligible realm†(because it is accessible only to the intellect). The perceptible world (i. e. , the world we perceive through our senses) is a reflection or copy of that higher intelligible world. (The Greek word for â€Å"form†or â€Å"essence†is eidos. ) Do you think it is possible for one thing to be really more beautiful than another thing? Well, how is that possible if Absolute Beauty does not exist? How can â€Å"A†be more beautiful than â€Å"B†? Doesn’t â€Å"A†have to be closer to Absolute Beauty than â€Å"B†is? But how can â€Å"A†be closer to (or â€Å"B†be further away from) Absolute Beauty if Absolute Beauty does not exist? A true philosopher knows the differences between ? Knowledge, ? ignorance, ? opinion. Plato’s view of knowledge, ignorance, and opinion (Text, pp. 109-111) State of Mind Knowledge Opinion Ignorance Object What is (Being, Reality) What is is not (Becoming) What is not (Nothingness, Unreality) Access Intellect Perception ? (Do you agree with this setup/theory?) Is Plato right about knowledge, ignorance, and opinion? Here’s a different view†¦. What about knowledge? The three basic questions in epistemology ? ? What is knowledge? How does it differ from opinion? How do we acquire knowledge? What are its sources? Rationalism vs. Empiricism. (What about Intuitionism and Revelationism? ) ? What are the extent and limits of knowledge? What can be known, and what cannot be known? A (fairly) standard definition of knowledge (and opinion) ? Knowledge is justified (i. e. , verified) true belief. †¢ To know is to believe. †¢ The belief must, in fact, be true. †¢ The belief must be justified (i.e. , verified, proved) by some standard and generally recognized means. ? Opinion is belief that may be true or may be false but that has not been or cannot be justified (i. e. , verified, proved) by any standard and generally recognized means. Of course, some opinions that are rationally defensible in the weak sense are â€Å"justified†in a limited way. And what about ignorance? Isn’t ignorance basically an absence of knowledge? Of course, opinion is also an absence of knowledge. So perhaps ignorance is a certain or special kind of opinion that is in some sense groundless (in a way based on nothing, as Plato says). ? There seem to be various types of ignorance, including unintelligent ignorance, as when someone asserts dogmatically that a false proposition is true or that a true proposition is false. There is also intelligent ignorance, as when someone does not know X and acknowledges forthrightly that he does not know it, etc. More thought is needed on this matter†¦. ? However, Plato’s view of ignorance as having non-being (nothingness) as its object does not seem correct (or at least not completely correct). ? ? ? Lovers of wisdom (philosophers) they recognize the existence of absolute, transcendental essences such as Beauty Justice in themselves, and they seek knowledge of such absolutes. ? Lovers of opinion -they recognize only particular perceptible things do not believe in the existence of absolute essences such as Beauty itself. So what is the nature of the Absolute Good? (Text, p. 112-113) In approaching the problem of defining the nature of the Absolute Good, Socrates (Plato) sets forth three very famous illustrations of his overall perspective on knowledge reality. These are I The Good the Sun The Good is to the mind as the sun is to the eye, i.e. , just as the sun’s light enables the eye to see in the perceptible realm, so the Good illuminates the mind and enables it to â€Å"see†in the intelligible realm. (See text, pp. 113-115) 2 The divided line (Text, pp. 115-118) States of Consciousness Philosophical Wisdom E Objects of Consciousness The Good Other Forms Knowledge D Intelligible Realm Scientific Knowledge Informed Opinion Delusion C B Mathematical Scientific Objects Opinion Perceptible Objects Images Perceptible Realm A (Text, pp. 118-123) Can you link the images on the following slide to Plato’s depiction of the cave world on pp. 118-121 in the text? Now that the prisoner has â€Å"seen the light,†? What might happen to him if he were to go back down into the cave-world? (pp. 119-121) ? How does he feel when he looks back down into the cave-world? (pp. 119) ? How does the allegory of the cave illustrate Plato’s overall view of knowledge and reality? (p. 121) More questions: ? What’s the philosophical difference between coming into the darkness from the light coming into the light from the darkness? (p. 121) ? What, according to Plato, does the allegory of the cave tell us about what the process of education should be? (pp. 121-122) there are the big questions: Why should we want philosophers to rule? How are we going to get them to rule? Since we are asking them to come back down into the cave-world, won’t we be doing them harm by making their lives worse rather than better? (Text, pp. 122-123) What do you think of the following statements by Plato (Socrates)? â€Å"The best rulers of the state are those who know the Good, who don’t look to politics for their happiness, who live a higher life than the political life. †â€Å"Political power should be held by those who do not want it. †The End (for now).
Friday, November 15, 2019
Supernatural Imagery Depicted in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- Analyti
Shakespeare uses the supernatural in many different forms during the course of Macbeth to create an atmosphere and add drama, tension and interest to the story. Many of the supernatural images which appear in the play are based on the beliefs and superstitions of those around Shakespeare’s time who would have gone to see his plays. The theme of supernatural forces and beings occurs at many different points during the play, allowing a common thread to be recognized by the audience. The supernatural imagery that Shakespeare uses can be interpreted at many different levels by members of the audience who would have ranged from royalty to working class. Shakespeare integrates the theme of supernatural occurrences throughout each act in a variety of ways. Some of the most obvious supernatural images appear in the first act with the witches who set an atmosphere for the rest of the play. The self-proclaimed â€Å"weird sisters†, are seen throughout the story as a source of evil, their prophesies lead Macbeth to his downfall in â€Å"deepest consequence†, as Banquo had warned. However, there ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Review of Related Literature Essay
As clubbing became more interactive, technologies became more fashionable and innovative. There are many new installations were built to sustain the needs of interactive clubs. In these present times, latest equipments for sounds, designs, and lights are the most popular accessories in different interactive bars. According to Emmanuelle Waeckerle (2004), VINST is a video installation and interactive sound performance enabling real-time control of both sonic and visual representation of my voice – thus creating an extraordinary fusion of human body sound and video. This equipment is different because it is a sensitive vocal instrument to the reaction of the body. The sensitivity of this equipment will base on the movement of the body. If VINST is touched in a light manner, the sound are pure tones and when you touch VINST more, you tend to laugh and tickle but when you touch it harder, it will generate pain, but are also pleasurable sounds it creates while having this kind of feeling. LCI also offers interactive technologies for interactive clubs. One of their products is the Interactive Video that can be used in different parts of the clubs such as walls and floors. These interactive video were designed with different themes to match the ambiance, lights, and designs of the club. In this sense, interactive videos designed by LCI bring more life and fun to the clubs and to the customers as well. Human locator would also be a big impact to attract customers. According to the Freeset, the designer of this human locator, when a certain person or people passes through the human locator, it will track the movement of the person and while it locates the movement, the locator will act as a wave and move like the movement of the person. There are also different kinds of tables that can be use to attract more customers that will match their personality. These tables were invented to make the customers comfortable and enjoy while staying at the club. One of these tables is the table called reactable – a table that has tangible electronic musical instruments that would let people releases their love of music. According to TODO, the curators and organizers of 2007 BIP, â€Å"technology shower creates and designs. †Through this statement, they like to say that technology brings life and enjoyment to the consumers and the producers. In this article of TODO where electro wave was featured, the biggest free music festival in Italy, shares their knowledge and talent towards interactive installations for clubs that would help the clubs and its customers enjoy the time they spent there and make it more memorable and comfortable place to set the party. Some of its featured installations are Face2Face2Face, Oneword, and Are You Here? These installation were mobile all installations to locate different people and different places that have interactive clubbing. These kinds of interactive equipments brought life to interactive clubbing. Articles coming from different interactive installation professional, we can see that interactive clubbing continue to rise due to its demands. Customers would prefer interactive clubs than ordinary clubs to make their nightlife more innovative and creative. Facilities, equipments, and installations for interactive clubs will bring profit for the owners and enjoyment to the customers. Methodology Since this research involves an evolution of a particular existent activity which is clubbing, it is important to conduct a research and background study of the research conducted before regarding such topic. The methodologies involved in this paper also constituted an analysis of the existing club spots regarding the nature of these clubs, the equipments being used and the concepts that served as their foundation for success. Interviews are essential in this research in order to gather necessary information regarding the other existing traditional and interactive clubs. The interviewees include managers from different traditional and contemporary clubs and existent interactive club. The questions that were distributed to the managers comprised of the following? 1. When did the club found? 2. How long has it been active? 3. What were the major equipments being used in the club? 4. What are the most requested or most frequent activities by costumers? 5. Who are the most frequent costumers? 6. If there are any, what were the common suggestions of the costumers for the club? 7. How do you keep your costumers? 8. What were the technological enhancements that the club had undergone? 9. What were the installations that the club recently had? 10. What other enhancement would you want to install in your club? The total number of respondents is 50 managers for the United Kingdom clubs. Most of the respondents are managers of clubs that had operated and remained successful for at least six to ten years. They were also managers in such clubs for three to four years. The common answers were that the must in a club are the lively DJ’s high –tech audio gadgets which include woofer and loud bang speakers, surround digital sound , audio generated strobe and disco lights, light retractors, sound proof walls, cozy steel or wooden bar set, and a wide dance floor. The most frequently requested by costumers are the new disco or techno mixes in music and a DJ that keeps the night going. The drinks, the food and the services are also important to consider in ensuring costumer satisfaction. Another set of questions were given to frequent club goers in order to find out what they are looking for in a club and what is their knowledge about interactive clubbing. The questions include the following: 1. How often do you go clubbing? 2. Why do you go clubbing? 3. What kind of clubs do you go to, and where? 4. Why do you choose such clubs? 5. What are the technological installations in those clubs that you like best? 6. Do you know what interactive clubbing is? 7. Have you gone into an interactive club? (If no, Do you like the idea? If yes, How was your experience? ) 8. Which do you prefer, a traditional clubbing or interactive clubbing? 9. What would you like in a club? 10. What would fully satisfy you as a club goer? The total number of respondents is 50 club goers fro the United Kingdom. Most of the respondents are frequent club goers ranging from ages eighteen to thirty-eight years of age. Based from the result of the survey, most of the club goers go clubbing as a form of relaxation and socialization with other people. The clubs that are frequently visited are the clubs playing the latest music and audio mixes. It was also found that the audio speakers and the woofers of these clubs are the latest technological breakthroughs. Most of the respondents have heard and learned about interactive clubbing but only half of the total number of interviewees has actually gone into interactive clubs in the United Kingdom. The experiences were almost the same that was an astonishment of the new technology brought about by the combination of audio and visual effects of media translation. The same respondents voted in favor of interactive clubbing as against traditional clubbing. Their answer to the questions pertaining to costumer satisfaction can be summarized into relaxation and an energetic environment with the Jockey and good quality of sounds and more that the club can offer as other forms of entertainment. Most of the respondents are looking for something more than what has already been offered. The level of the costumer satisfaction is also increasing as the technology introduces innovative gadgets and ideas. Body Different technology installations were invented to make clubbing interactive. Interactive clubbing is known for the clubs’ latest equipments and facilities that would attract customers. Clubs today were built to attract bar hoppers in an interactive manner. Club owners bought different kinds of latest gadgets, equipments and facilities to sustain the demand of the present generation. Some of the examples of latest gadgets, facilities, and/or equipments that were built in different clubs are cameras, interactive videos, interactive tables, computers, sounds, lights, designs, and themes. Interaction with different clubs in different parts of the world can be done through cameras. For example, there would be an installation of interactive cameras showing different clubs in the world. These different clubs are part of the connection of interactive clubs for they will have their cameras inside their clubs to show the clubbers the situations in different clubs. Aside from the setting of other clubs, sounds and music can be heard through these cameras. In this sense, all the participating interactive clubs would have the same music played, which brings interaction and intimacy to all the participating interactive clubs. Cameras installed in these interactive clubs will also show the themes of different clubs in different countries. Therefore, themes and cultures in different countries will be shown through the interactive cameras. Computers will be installed for more interaction between clubbers in different clubs. Computers will help clubbers to communicate with people in different clubs that have the same interactive facilities if they want to. Sounds and music are the most important factors for clubs because these are what the clubbers wanted. In this case, sounds and music must be the primary attraction for clubbers that is why newly invented musical instruments and facilities are produced to make the musical atmosphere of the clubs became more attractive. One of the musical equipment used for clubs is the Pioneer’s DVJ-X1. This equipment brings more life and strength to the sounds and music of the clubs. Aside from this, it has different parts that can be used to make the sounds clearer, audible, and creative. Lights, designs, and themes are also the factors of bringing clubbers into the clubs. Clubbers would love seeing different kinds of lights and designs inside the club. Lightspace is one of the innovators of light displays to different clubs. According to them, they transform everyday surfaces into engaging, entertaining and interactive exercise, display, gaming and learning surfaces that are capable of stimulating and responding to human touch. Through this kind of evolutionary displays, clubbers would really enjoy going to clubs that has lighter colors and lively designs because it brings life and enjoyment to them. The clubs’ themes are also important to show the clubbers the atmosphere of the place. The theme of the club will determine its clubbers, facilities, equipments, and workers. That is why it is also an important factor for the clubbers. In addition to this, as its equipments, facilities, and displays are important, the task of the DJs or the VJs are also important because they bring life to the club. They are the one who will manipulate the whole night of dancing and singing. Fast-learners, professionals, creative, and imaginative DJs or VJs must be the controller of the sounds to make the nightlife comfortable and conducive. In these present times, many people who wanted to enjoy their nightlife. In the previous years, clubs were built to make people enjoy through listening to sounds and drinking with friends – this is the traditional lifestyle of ordinary clubs. Ordinary clubs can give only few things to its customers – listening to the sounds, dancing on the dance floor and become drunk. People during those times are not aware with the atmosphere of the clubs because these factors are the most important things that were set in their minds. As time goes on, people wanted more of it. Because technology became more in demand, inventors and owners became partners in making the clubs livelier and interactive, that is why interactive clubbing emerged. Comparing and contrasting ordinary clubbing to interactive clubbing would bring opposite directions of two interrelated elements. Ordinary clubbing caters few enjoyment and contentment while interactive clubbing brings more life and great atmosphere to the whole club because listening to the music and dancing on the dance floor would not the only thing to do. Through interactive clubbing, clubbers can do many things like chatting, watching the video walls, interacting with different clubbers in different clubs from different parts of the world, and playing with the designs, lights and themes of the clubs. In this case, interactive clubbing brings more freedom to the clubbers in whatever they want to do while clubbing. However, these kinds of interactive clubbing need to have more money, more knowledge, and more power. Having this kind of interactive clubs are not the same as having an ordinary club because it needs to have more people, more time, and more effort to make a certain club interactive. An interactive club can be said as creative and imaginative but it is an ideal – ideal in a sense that it is perfect, perfect in the eyes of every clubber. According to Wegner (2005), nightclubs enjoy a commercial advantage over domestic sound and light systems. However, the club advantage begins to diminish when consumer technology enables a car’s sound system or a home theater to provide a superior experience. Because of technology, the demands for these kinds of places are easily declining due to the competition of different technology innovators and innovations. Nevertheless, technology in interactive clubbing is more Conclusion While it is considered a fact that music video has ever been present in the world of clubbing, the evolution of technology has influenced greatly its player-performing end and the display-presentation end. Interactive Clubbing indeed open a new experience for club goers. The technological installations of wide digital surround sounds, and the LCD generated effects provided an environment of which only the future can offer. This research proposal therefore provided an assumptive conclusion on the probability of the status of an interactive clubbing. There is definitely a positive response of science and technology to the demands of interactive clubbing as proven in the proper combination of technological application of new installations. There are already experimental methods to place cameras at various clubs throughout the world which recreated a specific ambiance a traditional club. This makes it possible for DJ’s to perform live at different places at the same time. There also a great deal of possibility of advanced digital 3d dancers that enables the presence of another person in the form of an avatar that interacts with genuine clubbers through the internet provider. These innovations will definitely set the new standard for clubbing in the not too distant future. Therefore it is concluded that Interactive clubbing is the present application of the future of clubbing experience. References: Bennett, A. (2000). â€Å"Dance Music, Local Identity and Urban Space. †In Popular Music and Youth Culture: Music, Identity and Place, edited by (Bennett, Andy). New York: St. Martin’s Press, 73-102. Bidder, S. (2001). Pump Up The Volume: A History of House. London: Channel 4 Books. Birgy, P. (2003). â€Å"French Electronic Music: The Invention of a Tradition. †In Popular Music in France from Chanson to Techno: Culture, Identity and Society, edited by HughDauncey and Steve Cannon. Aldershot: Ashgate, 225-242.. Brewster, B. and Broughton, F. (1999) Last Night A DJ Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey. Grove Press. Butler, M. (2005). â€Å"‘Everybody Needs a 303, Everybody Loves a Filter’: Electronic Dance Music and the Aesthetics of Obsolescence. †In Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication, edited by Paul Messaris and Lee Humphreys. New York: Peter Lang, 111-18. Byrom, H. (1998) The Future of Clubbing. Find Articles. Carrington, Ben and Brian Wilson. 2004. â€Å"Dance Nation: Rethinking Youth Subcultural Theory. †In After Subculture: Critical Studies of Contemporary Youth Culture, edited by Andy Bennett and Keith Kahn-Harris. New York: Palgrave, 65-78. Erenberg, Lewis A. Steppin’ Out: New York Nightlife and the Transformation of American Culture, 1890–1930. 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Sunday, November 10, 2019
Noticing Hypothesis
The noticing hypothesis is a concept in second-language acquisition proposed by Richard Schmidt in 1990. He stated that learners cannot learn the grammatical features of a language unless they notice them. Noticing alone does not mean that learners automatically acquire language; rather, the hypothesis states that noticing is the essential starting point for acquisition.There is debate over whether learners must consciously notice something, or whether the noticing can be subconscious to some degree (Schmidt, 1990, 2001) Noticing is a complex process: it involves the ntake both of meaning and of form, and it takes time for learners to progress from initial recognition to the point where they can internalize the underlying rule. This argues for teachers to provide recurring opportunities for learners to notice, since one noticing task is most unlikely to be sufficient. More specifically, we may want to work with different kinds of noticing task in future in order to serve different ps ycholinguistic factors.Schmidt (1990), identifies three aspects of consciousness involved in language learning: awareness, intention and knowledge. The first sense, consciousness as awareness, embraces noticing . According to Schmidt (1995, p. 20), â€Å"the noticing hypothesis states that what learners notice in input is what becomes intake for learning. †Schmidt also states that a) whether a learner deliberately attends to a linguistic form in the input or it is noticed purely unintentionally, if it is noticed it becomes intake; and b) that noticing is a necessary condition for L2 acquisition.In his noticing hypothesis, Schmidt (1990, 1993, 1995; Schmidt & Frota, 1986) shed light n focal attention, or noticing, as a necessary and sufficient condition for input to become intake in SLA, by claiming â€Å"intake is that part of the input that the learner notices†(1990, p. 139). According to Schmidt (1993), second language (L2) learners need to not only comprehend the input but also notice â€Å"whatever features of the input are relevant for the target system†(p. 209).Although these definitions of noticing differ in the degrees or levels of awareness that are deemed necessary for SLA, the researchers all agree on the importance of noticing in SLA. In both the strong version of the Noticing Hypothesis (noticing is necessary and sufficient for second language acquisition) and the weak version of the Noticing Hypothesis (noticing is a necessary but not sufficient condition for second language acquisition), noticing is considered to play a significant role in SLA.In Gass and Selinker's (2001) view, noticing or selective attention is â€Å"at the heart of the interaction hypothesis,†(p. 298) and is one of the crucial mechanisms in the negotiation process. Conclusion Attention and noticing (the subjective correlate of attention are crucial concepts for ttention – becoming conscious of some material – seems to be the sover eign remedy for learning anything. It is the universal solvent of the mind†(Baars 1997, P. 04). For SLA, the allocation of attention is the pivotal point at which learner external factors (including the complexity and distributional characteristics of input, the discoursal and interactional context, instructional treatment, and task characteristics) and learner internal factors (including motivation, aptitude, learning styles and strategies, current L2 knowledge and processing ability) come together.
Friday, November 8, 2019
David essays
David essays The term Renaissance (approx 1400-1520AD) art seems to draw to mind feelings of a rebirth, a reincarnation of artistic expression in a sense. For Donatello though, living amongst such a time period did not seem to skew his artistic grandeur. In creating his sculptural rendition of the biblical character David, he employed classical models in order to convey a sense of realism. His stylistic approach in crating David was of a type uncommon and un-witnessed since the days of the classical era. Dating around 1440 AD, it was the first large-scale bronze nude statue in the renaissance. Donatello took great inspiration from classical models when he created his sculpture of David. His model for David though did not turn out to be a Greek youth in his prime. Instead, he seems to have chosen a barely developed adolescent boy, with a great deal of feminine features. David is mainly a closed-form sculpture cast out of bronze. The objects represented throughout the sculpture as well as his limbs appear in a type of S-curve stance balancing his human form. His arms appear to be a little more then feeble due to lack of muscle and he also seems to be having trouble holding the sword letting it rest to his side. Almost looking seamlessly, the sword appears to provide stability to the arm securing its construction. He stands on Goliaths head in almost a skeptical pose making an audience wonder if it could all be possible that he accomplished such a feat. His archaic smile leaves him himself even astonished giving a look of awe as he glances down. Donatello was one of the most important fifteenth century artists whose bronze David appears to be an enigma as it is completely unlike his other works in its unusual style, and classical time of origin. The major distinction with Greek art was that it was extremely narrative; in accordance is the sculpture of David. David is seen wearing a broad-brimmed hat that is garlanded wit...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Whether vs. If
Whether vs. If Whether vs. If Whether vs. If By Maeve Maddox A reader writes: A colleague at work says the following sentence is incorrect: â€Å"Promotion depends on if the employee maintains a good attendance record.†I don’t see anything wrong with it. Is she just being disagreeable? I can’t say whether the colleague is being disagreeable or not, but I can say why she objects to the sentence. The conjunctions if and whether are often used interchangeably. Sometimes such usage can pass, but sometimes whether is the only choice. One rule often cited is that if does not follow a preposition. Corrected, the sentence is â€Å"Promotion depends on whether the employee maintains a good attendance record.†Seeking to avoid confusion, Sir Ernest Gowers added this entry to the 1963 edition of Fowler’s Modern English Usage: To avoid possible ambiguity it may be prudent to confine if to its proper duty of introducing the protasis of a conditional sentence, and not to use it as a substitute for though or whether or (with not) to introduce a possible alternative. Note: In the context of grammar, protasis is â€Å"the first or introductory clause in a sentence, especially the clause which expresses the condition in a conditional sentence.†The Chicago Manual of Style spells out two instances in which if should not be used in lieu of whether: 1. to introduce a noun clause in an indirect question the answer to which is either yes or no. INCORRECT: He asked if his tie was straight. CORRECT: He asked whether his tie was straight. The only possible answer is yes or no. 2. to avoid ambiguity. INCORRECT: Call me to let me know if you can come. CORRECT: Call me to let me know whether you can come. With if, two interpretations are possible: 1. Call regardless of your answer. 2. Call only if you will be coming. By using whether, the speaker makes it clear that a call is desired, regardless of whether the person is coming or not. Chicago includes three other notes on the if/whether dichotomy in the â€Å"Good usage versus common usage†section: determine whether; determine if. The first phrasing is irreproachable style; the second is acceptable as a colloquialism. The same is true of decide whether versus decide if. doubt that; doubt whether; doubt if. Doubt that conveys a negative sense of skepticism or questioning: â€Å"I doubt that you’ll ever get your money back.†Doubt whether also conveys a sense of skepticism â€Å"The official says that he doubts whether the company could survive.†Doubt if is a casual phrasing for doubt that. question whether; question of whether; question as to whether. The first phrasing is the best, the second is next best, and the third is to be avoided. Paul Brians (Common Errors in English Usage) acknowledges that if â€Å"can’t really be called an error,†but adds, â€Å"when you are discussing two alternative possibilities, whether sounds more polished.†A note by David Foster Wallace in the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus offers â€Å"a simple test†: If you can coherently insert an â€Å"or not†after either the conjunction or the clause it introduces, you need whether. He gives these examples: He didn’t know whether [or not] it would rain. YES She asked me straight out whether I was a fetishist [or not]. YES We told him to call if [or not] he needed a ride. NO If is used to express a conditional. Whether is used to introduce alternative possibilities. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†Rules for Capitalization in Titles30 Words Invented by Shakespeare
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Arab Spring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
The Arab Spring - Essay Example Political Islamism is shaping the face of Arab spring in that countries such as Tunisia which held their elections, the moderate Islamist party emerged victorious while Morocco on the other hand chose its first Islamist prime minister. Political Islam is influenced the uprising in the Middle East it involved more liberal use or application of Islamic teachings and traditions to inspire the people and thus champion for change. In addition, the policies of the Arab spring has big role to play in the regions present transformation. For instance, in Tunisia, people were more open minded guided with liberal attitude towards secular politics, while in Egypt, there is the Muslim brotherhood learning more towards the centre. Further, the uprising has been motivated by practical approach that attempts to move away from conflicting with the military while striving to raise both the economy and living standards. Muslim brotherhood has insisted that women should be given chance to participate in politics while they advocate for a civil state headed by either clerics or military. Political Islamism aimed to bring genuine democracy to the people (Warren, 2012). For the first time in Arab history, the feeling of belonging to one’s own country has grown largely in that masses inspired by their unique cultural resurgence that incorporates dancing on the street and changing old folk songs into revolutionary anthems is common everywhere. Through their culture such as street dancing, people fill the streets asking for freedom. Additionally, the quest for freedom is also manifested in poetry. Initially, women have been barred from publicly expressing themselves but now they are doing without fear that was poised by their strict cultural demands. Religion influenced the Arab spring in that the suicide committed by Bouazizi and a series of copycats immolations ignited the revolution. In
Friday, November 1, 2019
Capital Resources TMA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Capital Resources TMA - Essay Example Capital may be of two types- fixed capital and working capital. Capital resource TMA (Turnaround Management Association) is an important concept in the area of Financial Management. TMA is an association which is non -profit making in nature, which lead to a turning point for the industrial development and implementation. In this concept, we are making an analysis of recent annual reports of Marks and Spencer plc and Debenhams plc for the year of 2007 and 2006. Marks and Spencer plc (M&S) is one of the largest retailers in food and clothing industry, having links through out the world. Debenham plc is also a retailer with a linkage of departmental stores. Marks and Spencer plc, one of the leading companies in the world is occupying an out standing business results per year. Taking in to account, the provisional results of company’s performance in the year 2006-2007, there is a growth in sales up to 11% and there by a corresponding increment in the adjusted profits before taxation, interim dividend etc. Similarly the company achieved progress in its major areas of retail trading also. During this period, the clothing industry achieves an increment of 10.1% and the rate of food industry goes up from 3.8% to 4% respectively. (Interim Results 2006/2007 2006). The growth rate in the investment sector is also drastic in nature. The major reason behind the success of M&S is treating their customers with good quality products and services. Business plan of the company is constant over a long period of time, but the competitors they are facing are varying. The company is also giving stress on for following the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and other ethical behavior for the better running of business. As a result, the company is running well, and looking forward for further implementation to speed up their growth through their customers by keeping them for long. â€Å"Marks & Spencer Group Plc, the U.K.s biggest
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