Thursday, December 26, 2019
Oil In America Essay - 1346 Words
Oil in America nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;America has many problems with its environment. The facts are clear that most corporations wont take the blame for them. These companies try to find ways out by stating that they are not the ones responsible for these problems. They try to protect themselves from the mistakes they made in the oil industry and the country. The facts are clear that there have been disasters in the oil field industry in the past ten years and they stand out in history. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The article quot;Myths We Wouldnt Missquot;, by the Mobil Corporation, states that there hasnt been a major off shore oil disaster in past years. That†¦show more content†¦The sea lion and seal population decreased by 881 new sea lion pups.(Easton,256) The bird species in the area suffered the most. 3,686 birds were found dead. The diving birds had the hardest time. Going to the water was a hazard and they starved or was covered in the oiled water. This problem will always be in the minds of the oil companies and those who worked for them. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another development which hurts the Mobil Companies statement is the Argo Merchant spill in March of 1977. This accident took place on Nantucket Island, Mass. The tanker went aground on a fishing rip and submerged part of the rig.(Grose.iii) According to Grose quot;the tanker tried to correct itself but it cracked in half and spilled 7,700,000 gallons into the water. This spill is the largest spill in the history of the United States.quot;(Grose,vii) This set off scientific activity which went on for a full year. There were some redeeming factors about this spill. The wind prevented the oil from surfacing on the beaches. The oil that was being transported was low density and did not contaminate the bottom of the ocean.(Grose,356) As well as the spill happened in the winter and the ecological damage was not as big as Santa Barbara or many others. This spill did however, cover more area than most. The oil spread out over large areas and did not cut off anywhere, it justShow MoreRelatedAmerica s Drilling For Oil3209 Words  | 13 Pagesbeen drilling for oil for more than half of their existence. Before the 1850’s oil w as of little use and had no market for commerce as there was not one overwhelming use for it. Until around the 1850’s, when technology advanced, with it sparking search for one of the most sought after natural resources that countries would later go to war over, petroleum oil. Early inventions like the kerosene lamp provided a new stable home necessity to live by, increasing the demand for crude oil. This would be metRead MoreAmerica s Dependence On Foreign Oil993 Words  | 4 PagesProfessor: Latoya Watkins Susan Drake 14 February 2017 Audience: College Students Innovation Today a World for Tomorrow America’s dependence on foreign oil has become a huge problem according to T. Boone Pickens, as our intake is not decreasing but increasing. To find a solution Americans must first be informed that, â€Å"Americans use 25% of the oil in the world and our population is only 4%.†Be shown how it can be fixed through renewable energy such as wind, solar and electric and what progressRead MoreThe Oil Sands Assets Of North America1104 Words  | 5 Pagescontinents: North America, UK portion of North Sea and Offshore Africa. It produces both oil as well as natural gas. North America For the gas, CNRL has both conventional as well as unconventional reserves. The assets in North America is primarily in Western Canadian Sedimentary basin with five major regions of operation: NW Alberta, NE BC, Foothills, Northern and Southern Plains. For oil, their reserves include crude oil, primary, secondary and tertiary recoveries and oil sands (both in-situRead MoreThe, Blood And Oil : The Dangers And Consequences Of Americas Growing Dependency On Imported Oils744 Words  | 3 Pagesforeign oil. Over the years with the vast improvements and technological advances in the petroleum industry, the United States has been able to become increasingly self-sufficient, drastically decreasing its reliance on the import on foreign oil. In Michael Klare’s Book, Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of Americas Growing Dependency on Imported Oils (2004) he states that, General J.H. 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On one end you have the people who want to drill for oil to help out our economy, and on the other end there are the environmentalists and the Alaskan natives who do not want their land destroyed. Our economy needs help; oil prices keep rising, gas prices have reached an all time high, and America is depending too much on foreign trade. DrillingRead More America MUST Drill for Oil in The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)855 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica MUST Drill for Oil in The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)      For a drug addict to quit a drug, the best solutions for the addict would be to slowly wean them self off the drug periodically. America can be viewed in a parallel way on its dependency for oil. America needs another source of oil to slowly lessen its overwhelming dependency on foreign oil and to help the process of finding another mass energy source. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge better known as the ANWR is aRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article How America Can Free Itself Of Oil Profitability1038 Words  | 5 PagesThe excessive use of oil in the United States has been a very controversial debate with American experts and scientists. In his article â€Å"How America Can Free Itself of Oil-Profitability,†Amory Lovins addresses the many different issues associated with excessive oil consumption and the risks versus the benefits. Amory Lovins is a physicist, environmental scientist, writer, and Chairman/Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute . He has written numerous research articles arguing for the useRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article How America Can Free Itself Of Oil Profitability Essay969 Words  | 4 PagesThe excessive use of oil in the United States has been a very controversial debate with American experts and scientists. In his article â€Å"How America Can Free Itself of Oil-Profitability,†Amory Lovins addresses the many different issues associated with excessive oil consumption and the risks versus the benefits. Amory Lovins is a physicist, environmental scientist, writer, and Chairman/Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute. He has written numerous research articles arguing for the useRead MoreWe have the resources in North America to become self-sufficient on our oil instead of Middle1000 Words  | 4 Pages We have the resources in North America to become self-sufficient on our oil instead of Middle Eastern oil. Oil was first discovered in America in 1859 in Titusville, Pennsylvania. (Klare). 155 years later we still are getting oil from countries halfway around the world. Without discovering oil in the US, it would not have given rise to large multinational companies like John D Rockefeller Standard Oil, the big three auto factories, DuPont, airlines/freight industry, and other chemical companies
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Mainstream Acceptance of Homosexuality in our Society Essay
Mainstream Acceptance of Homosexuality in our Society In todays society, there exists a myriad of issues which, when discussed, tend to raise the temperature of the citizens proverbial blood. There are a handful of topics that always seem to escalate this temperature to the boiling point among individuals who earnestly participate in discussion, debate and argument. Some examples of such delicate subjects are the death penalty, abortion, and euthanasia. An issue that has in recent years, begun to command the intensity of the foregoing, is the acceptability of homosexuality in mainstream society. Until recently, homosexuality was considered strictly taboo. If an individual was homosexual, this revelation was considered a grave†¦show more content†¦However, all too often such activity seems to spill over into mainstream society as same sex couples are seen strolling the streets arm in arm, kissing, and even engaging in unsightly groping. Homosexuals display such behavior proudly during their various equal rights marches. It seems analogous to lobbying for a new car while driving a Ferrari, no one will listen because they are all turned off by your actions. Often enough, homosexuals attempt to pick up straight members of their own sex, causing considerable uneasiness. Having to deal with a homosexual on such an insignificant occasion as buying bread can easily make ones skin crawl, if not ruin ones day. The feminine voice, dress, coupled with their feminine movements, can provide considerable incentive to avoid such people. The foregoing details the general appearance of homosexuals. There are of course exceptions to this rule, and these members of the homosexual group are not quite as prevalent in every day life. It cannot be denied that viewing this activity will offend many, if not the majority of mainstream society. The allowance of homosexual activity, providing it is kept from the public eye, has for the most part failed in its initiative. Few straight people could truly say they have neve r been exposed to such moral erosion. Such erosion becomes even more prevalent when the issues of adoptionShow MoreRelatedHomosexual Roles And Its Effect On Society1597 Words  | 7 Pagesthemes and characters are prominently occurring across global cinema and television. With the recent legalisation of same-sex marriage in the UK and in the USA, we’re seeing a push for equality, acceptance and predominantly, normality. However, these views are rarely being reflected in modern or mainstream cinema. 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This topic is relevant for the world we live in since; the LGBT community is a big part of our culture and these individuals still needs to be heard from this day. They are human beings just like heterosexual people, yet they still get bullied and discriminated daily. Their sexual orientation and their gender are merely natural. This topic isRead MoreThe Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage2769 Words  | 12 Pagescurrently in full support of same-sex marriage. This complete reversal of President Obama’s views symbolizes the general social shift of same-sex marriage views in today’s society. The legalization of same-sex marriage has been a raging battle of concern since the late t wentieth century, but has become a prominent subject in today’s society. While many are still in disagreement with the legalization of same-sex marriage, there has been an evident rise of the same-sex marriage supporters within the last
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Aaa Sex Story Essay Example For Students
Aaa Sex Story Essay Id always thought of her as a fairly shy girl, so I was totally unprepared for what happened next. As soon as we sat down on the sofa in the living room, she leaned over and kissed me. Not a little peck, but a full-blown french kiss. It must have lasted for ages as she pushed me down onto my back, pressing her firm breasts against my chest. When she broke the kiss, she looked into my eyes and said Ive liked you for so long, but I never had the nerve to do anything about it. I want you. Before I could say anything else, she kissed me again. This time, though, she slid one of her hands down into my jeans to find my penis, which by this time was fully erect and longing for some action. Encouraged by this finding, she undid my jeans and pushed them and my underwear as far down my legs as she could until finally she had to break the kiss. She wasted no time in moving down to my cock and licking its head. She took me in her mouth, but not very deeply. I grabbed her head and gently pushed down, but she resisted. She came up off my *censored* and said Uh . .. this is my first time; I hope Im not too bad at it, then surrounded my cock with her lips once again. She took me a little deeper each time, with a little more suction, a little more tongue action. I didnt tell her, but it was my first time, too, and Id never felt anything like this before. I lay my head back against the chair arm, closed my eyes, and the feeling swept me away. No wonder guys always talk about getting head, I thought to myself. She was evidently a quick learner, for she soon had me about to cum. I moaned Ohh . ooohhhh Im . .. Im about to .. . , but I didnt get a chance to finish the thought. As every muscle in my body tensed up, I looked at her head bobbing up and down and I shot my semen into a woman for the first time. I guess she didnt quite know what to expect, as she coughed a little before managing to swallow a couple of times. She gave my cock one last suck and lifted her head, smiling. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her head up to meet mine. I kissed her, passionately jousting with her tongue. I was surprised at the taste of my semen; Id always thought it would be gross, but it actually wasnt so bad. When we broke the kiss, she looked me in the eye and said Did I do OK? The only answer I could think of was another kiss, as my hands went down to her skirt. I fondled her ass a bit while I removed the skirt and her panties. I broke the kiss and told her Now its your turn. We exchanged positions and I moved down to her *censored*, kissing her breasts through the sweater on the way and wondering if Id be anywhere near as good for her as she was for me. I gave her outer lips a little kiss, prodding between them with my tongue. Heidi shuddered and spread her legs some more, so I figured I was starting out OK. I spread her lips with my hands and found her clit with my tongue. Her response was a little moan. As I licked her clit, she grabbed my right hand and pushed it towards her breasts, under her sweater. She was wearing a front-closing bra; I wonder if she had anything in mind when she put it on today? It was quite a challenge undoing her bra without my tongue losing track of what it was doing, particularly with only one hand free to work on her bra, but I finally managed to get one of her magnificent breasts in my hand. I was running my fingers around her nipple, pinching it, pressing on it, squeezing her breasts; meanwhile, I was probing into her cunt with my
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sport can be local and global
What makes a sport local, regional, or global? Local cultures, communities and individual venues of a location may make sport remain local. Such local sports have a strong connection with history, culture and community of the location. These sports may also be available in other countries. However, participation and connection only remain strong in countries of origin. For instance, the Japanese Sumo Wrestling is only popular in Japan.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Sport can be local and global specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some sports may be local but have a huge fan base and have become commercial enterprises. For instance, the US basketball and baseball are in other countries. However, these sports have their local backings from schools and colleges. Consequently, they have become a symbol of the US identity. Therefore, culture, community and national identity may make sport local. Some sports have a regional presence. Such sports are present in other locations of the world, but predominately in countries of origin. For instance, we do not only have baseball in North America where it originated, but also in Japan. On the other hand, some sports have acquired a global presence. This mainly occurs as a result of international competitions in leading sporting events, such as Olympic Games, and Soccer World Cup, among others. These sports enhance a sense of national identity and culture through international competition (Grimwade and Howard, 1997). Sports like soccer, golf, and tennis have a fan base across international televisions and have become successful through advertising revenues. Among these sports, soccer stands out as the most popular across the world. What major drivers are responsible for internalization of Manchester United? Manchester United has international merchandising sales through its Manchester United Merchandising. The club is growing its global fun base thro ugh Manchester United Magazine. At the same time, the club has televised games that go beyond the UK. For instance, Rupert Murdoch global media led to global growth of Manchester United in 1990s and early 2000. In Africa, Manchester United fan base as grown as a result of Super Sport from Dstv. Manchester United also as its own television channel, MUTV. The club’s popularity also grew as a result of Internet activities among its supporters (Bernstein and Blain, 2001). By the year 2003, Manchester United had a global fan base of 53 million.Advertising Looking for case study on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Manchester United has sponsorships from leading companies such as Nike and Vodafone. These organizations have increased the global presence and financial strength of the club making it one of the wealthiest in the world. In addition, the cross-border take over by the Glazer family in 2005 increased the club’s global popularity (Stotlar, 2009). Manchester global fan base also grew as a result of its wins in the FA Cup, Premiership, and Europeans Champions League. The wins have attracted a range of regional sponsors (Amis and Cornwell, 2005). Consequently, the club’s revenue and profit have grown considerably. The club popularity also comes from its mixed players. A half of the club’s players consist of foreign players. Manchester United is a global club and business entity with an international business strategy (Rugman and Collinson, 2008). How important are Manchester United’s strong local roots to its international success? Manchester United growth starts from the local team and community. The club demonstrates strong regional culture of the North West industrial England. Rivalry and competition from other clubs such as Arsenal, Chelsea, and Liverpool, among others have created multinational brands in these teams. The case study shows that 90 perc ent of its revenue still comes from the local fan base. Manchester United has become part of the cultural identity of its English fans. References Amis, J. and Cornwell, B. (2005). Global Sport Sponsorship. Oxford: Berg Publishers. Bernstein, A. and Blain, N. (2001). Sport, Media, Culture: Global and Local dimensions. Portland, OR: Frank Cass Publishers.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Sport can be local and global specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Grimwade, J. and Cox, H. (1997). Global Business Strategy. Andover, UK: International Thomson Publishing Services. Rugman, A. and Collinson, S. (2008). International Business, 5th Ed. New York : Prentice Hall. Stotlar, D. K. (2009). Developing Successful Sport Sponsorship Plans. West Virginia: Fitness Information Technology. This case study on Sport can be local and global was written and submitted by user Stephanie Harvey to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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