Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Salvador Dali's History Backriound Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Salvador Dali's History Backriound - Essay Example The article Salvador Dali's History Backriound plans to examine Salvador Dali's experience. Salvador Dali is a Spanish painter. His folks affected his turn of events and aesthetic practices as his father’s exacting slave driver approach added to Dali’s organized quest for craftsmanship, while his mother’s inventive nature impacted his creative procedure. In 1926 he would leave Spain and move to Paris, where he came into contact with Pablo Picasso. While Dali had explored different avenues regarding Cubist techniques during this time in Madrid, obviously he didn't completely comprehend the class. During the following hardly any years Dali would create work intensely affected by Picasso and individual surrealist Joan Miro. Dali would then proceed to join an expansive assortment of impacts into his work. Among these impacts included the scholarly community, old style and innovator methods, just as late mental investigations by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Through Wo rld War II and his later life Dali would progressively concentrate on his novel way to deal with surrealist workmanship. While looking at Dali’s craftsmanship it’s away from there are various remarkable components identified with topic, substance, which means, and iconography. One notes that in looking at Dali’s workmanship inside this setting of understanding that his work has moved during various times of the artist’s life. In any case, all through these periods Dali actualized trademark types of oil on canvas in building his works. He turned out to be fundamentally keen on investigating theoretical thoughts.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Zipcars Business Motivational Model for Customers and Partners Case Study
Zipcars Business Motivational Model for Customers and Partners - Case Study Example By presenting the Zipcars, the organization causes the clients to set aside to 70% of their reserve funds since they just compensation for the hours they utilize the vehicles. Moreover, the vehicles are vitality proficient and contribute less to the release of fumes vapor into nature. This inspires clients further. As a methods for additional rousing client, the organization has worked together with a few different associations, organizations, and colleges through some particular projects. As a method of diminishing expenses for organizations, Zipcar rents vehicles to them to use during the week when they are required most. Something very similar occurs with colleges too. These administrations spur the associations to work more earnestly with the outlook of eliminating costs. It additionally helps urban communities in saving money on their parking spot. On a size of 1 to 5, I will give the business an inspiration of four while 3 to the colleges. The cities’ inspiration could b e 2.5. 2. As Its Simplest Best The thought behind Zipcar is to assist organizations with eliminating the expenses of maintaining their organizations. Evidently, most business associations acquire gigantic expenses in keeping and keeping up their engine vehicles. The equivalent applies to colleges and schools that face the risk of vehicle wreckages and harms due to student’s duties. Moreover, with as much as $ 1 million going into investment funds from the Zipcar framework, the urban areas merit embracing the procedure. Considering these ideas, potential recipients of Zipcar’s administrations would be effortlessly persuaded to embrace the administrations of the firm. 3. Figure 6.3 Zipcar’s plan of action includes the four basic advances. These are â€Å"joining, save, open, and drive.†In this model, the firm urges its customers to go along with it through enlisting as individuals. The association has 500,000 individuals with cards. An individual pays a ch arge of $25 to join. In the save, one holds enrollment with the firm. The individual pays a yearly participation charge of $50 to hold their place to reestablish the enrollment card. The participation card permits the customer to open the possibilities that accompany the organization. At that point the client drives away with the vehicle 4. Zipcar’s Rapid Growth and Strength Zipcar is developing at an express rate. This is on the grounds that ten years after its arrangement, it had the option to offer a challenging 8000 vehicles over the urban zones of Canada, North America, and London. Moreover, the firm has additionally extended its activities and infiltrated profound into the market by teaming up with different business ventures to chop down their working expenses and increment the net revenues for the firm. In any case, the firm has a great operational model. Its vehicles are vitality proficient. In any case, by teaming up with a few business endeavors, the firm will be c ompelled to utilize overwhelming trucks now and again. Clearly, substantial trucks are key givers of carbon dioxide emanation into the environment. This will endanger Zipcar’s quality of guaranteeing natural manageability. Conversation Questions of Case 4.2 The convincing purpose behind the effective strategy rivalry is the solid vision. This is incompletely owing to the sort of approach it utilized in introducing its plans to the crowd. In spite of the fact that it is a business venture driven by the need to make benefit, it puts accentuation on its philanthropic help crucial the burdened populaces in the creating scene. Clearly, the vast majority are moved by the disgraceful conditions that a few populaces of the world experience. The showcasing methodology for D.Light would include showings to potential customers. As a prime supporter, I will look for the endorsement of the legislatures of these nations with oppressed populaces and offer a few examples to the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Effective Corporate Turnaround Strategies
Effective Corporate Turnaround Strategies Every business around the world needs a combination of several factors and ingredients to succeed and maintain that success. But not each one of it manages to keep the graph going up either due to lack of funds, improper marketing, wrong people onboard or inefficient products and services.It may then begin to take the road down and go through a downward spiral. So should one just give up and lose all hope or should it make efforts to revive and come up the surface? Well, the process of revival and finding the way up again is known as corporate turnaround. © | fotogestoeberIn this article, we shall discuss the various strategies that can lead to an effective corporate turnaround by exploring the sections 1) corporate turnaround: an insight, 2) basic requirements for corporate turnaround, and 3) super-effective turnaround strategies.CORPORATE TURNAROUND: AN INSIGHTIt is common for businesses around the world to experience a downturn in their endeavors either due to higher than expected expenses or due to lower than anticipated sales or profits. While, in some cases, this situation can be handled and dealt easily, in other cases, this situation may lead to a downwards spiral. In such a case, the management of the organization must find ways to rise up from depths and make its way towards profits again. Corporate turnaround or turnaround management is the process of transforming a loss-making company into a profit-making. It is simply the method to corporate renewal that is aimed at saving a troubled corporation and rect ifying all those mistakes and wrong steps that can lead to a profit generating situation again. Corporate turnaround is structured, well-planned and methodological approach to the revival of a company and is achieved by following a step-by-step approach that takes time, investment and the participation of people.Questions to ask to find out whether your company needs a turnaroundIn order to find out whether your company needs a corporate turnaround or not, it is important to ask yourself a few questions, and they are given as follows:Is your company currently in a distressed condition and is heading towards a downward spiral?Is your company faltering in its efforts and going out of control?Is your company spending more than it’s earning and are the earnings hard to come by?Has your company suffered from the reputation?Once you answer these questions, you will automatically get an idea of its current state, based on which you can take further actions.Common causes for failure of a corporate enterpriseBefore making your way towards a corporate turnaround, it is important to know and understand the various causes of the failure of your enterprise. In most cases, businesses focus more on the signs/symptoms of decline rather than looking into the actual reasons for it. But without knowing the reasons, the rectification remains incomplete. There can be many reasons for the decline of a business, and they are broadly divided into two types: external and internal causes. Let’s take a look at both in detail:External causesExternal causes for failure of a company or organization are those kinds of causes that result from an external event, activity, trend or happening. The trends in the industry and the economic condition outside it can greatly affect a business or organization, no matter how it functions or how well it implements changes. The following are some of the main external causes for failure of a corporate enterprise:New aggressive competitor Presence of one or more aggressive competitors in the market or industry can lead to the downfall of an enterprise.Increase in prices of supply Another reason for the failure of a corporation could be a sudden and unexpected increase in the prices of supply.Changes in the market demand Shift in market demand and reduction in product preference too can be a major reason.Economic conditions The current condition of the market or economy could be a contributing factor to the decline of a company.Internal causesAs the name suggests, internal causes for failure of a corporation are those kinds of causes which emerge from within the company and is a result of poor people participation, inadequate efforts, improper tools, and others. The following are some of the main internal causes:Failures of management Poor management of a business enterprise often leads to its downfall and can be a major reason for is a failure.Failures in financial decisions Loss in budget controls, weak financial forecasti ng and absence of a proper costing system are just some examples of insufficient financial controls in a company that could lead to its downfall.Ignorance of new trends Ignoring the new trends in the industry and failing to grow with it could also be a big reason for a business’s decline.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR A CORPORATE TURNAROUNDIt is important to understand that not all businesses facing failure can be rescued. There are some things needed to implement the process of turnaround and without fulfilling these basic requirements, no distressed business can be totally revived. The following are the 3 basic components or requirements for a corporate turnaround:1. A strong core: Any business with a viable and strong core qualifies to go through the process of a turnaround, no matter how distressed it may be currently. A solid background with reliable employees and enough goodwill can be revived through efforts and turnaround strategies. Of course, even on having a strong core, a business will need to work hard to taste success again.2. Short-term financing: Besides strong and solid roots, a business or corporation also needs proper funding, and that can be made possible through short-term financing. A company must have access to sufficient short-term financing in order to rise up again and work towards its own revival. The idea is to have enough cash flow to bring back the business on its feet again.3. Resources and skills: A company must also have access to both intangible and tangible resources as well as skills. Without the proper resources, knowledge, expertise and skills, no business can bounce back again, in spite of having the cash flow and solid base. Without skills and resources, the corporate turnaround can prove to be either a very difficult task or an impossible one.SUPER-EFFECTIVE CORPORATE TURNAROUND STRATEGIESCorporate turnaround isn’t just one-point procedure that can be achieved by making just a few minor changes. Turning around a struggling business to a thriving one can be a complex process, one which involves several steps, methods, and strategies. It may sometimes take years to bring a business back on its feet because several factors need to be taken care of including management, finances, marketing, operations, human resources and many others. A strategic approach has to be followed to fulfill the turnaround and for your reference, we have compiled some of the best strategies for an effective corporate turnaround:1. Situation reevaluationTo cure a problem, a diagnosis of the initial cause is the first step that is to be followed. Same is the case with corporate turnarounds. The first step that you need to follow is to figure out whether your business is damaged beyond repair or not. If not, then you need to look within the organization to figure out what the problem is. Only when you reevaluate the situation can you decide what actions can be taken next. To achieve this, you need to focus on some key areas, which are given as follows:Product A business is made by the products and services it offers and hence it is important to focus on whether the products you are offering are innovative enough, unique enough and buyable enough for the consumers.Customers You need to figure out whether your consumers are satisfied with the products being offered to them and is the right target audience being targeted.Finance Is the cash flow enough to sustain the business’s operations? Do you have short term financing to stabilize the situation?Process You must fathom whether all your business processes and systems are in place and working effectively. Without this, business performance can go down considerably.People It may be time to figure out whether your business is supported by the right people and staff. Employees can play a big role in any organization’s success and hence you may have to cut down on few who may not be providing a good output.2. Crisis stabilizationOnce t he situation has been looked into, the next step is to stabilize the situation and make sure that the emergency state can be eliminated. To stabilize the crisis, you will need to conserve the liquidity of funds so that a window of opportunity can be created. You must aim for gaining a little restructuring of both the finances as well as the business so that the next steps can be easily dealt with, without worrying about the shortage of funds or chaos in business operations.You must, at this step track the situation, monitor it well and try to control it from going out of hand. Only when you make efforts for stabilization would you be able to experience the freedom to make necessary changes.3. Strategy redefiningThe next step to follow in order to turnaround the business effectively is to redefine the strategy that is being followed by your company currently. Redefining the strategy means making strategic or objective changes in the approach followed by your business to reach its goals. If the corporation is on a downward spiral, then one of the biggest reasons behind this could be a gap in the strategy. This is the step where you can make all the difference for the future of the organization and give it a new direction. Revisiting the strategic approach can also make you realize the holes in the previous approach and the changes that need to be made to it.Key areas to focus on:Vision You need to create your new strategy by keeping in mind what your vision or objective is. You must know exactly what you wish to achieve and where you want to take your business.Purpose Are you aware of the real purpose of your business? Your strategy must address this purpose and make sure it is fulfilling the objective for which it was created in the first place.Brand Your business strategy must also address your brand value and should focus on the kind of impact you wish to have on the public as a brand.Mission You must incorporate the intent to succeed in the business and how to succeed in the strategy as well.Values Does your business have any principles, policies and standards that it wants to maintain and follow? If yes, make sure your strategy takes them into consideration.4. Employee retention and reemploymentThere is hardly any corporate turnaround without talking about the people involved in it. It is the people or employees which run a business and no matter how your finances are, how good your strategy is, if the people backing it are not performing well, there is no way for it to succeed. Now may be the right time to figure out who really is offering the best services to your organization and who isn’t performing as per expectations.At this step, you need to take the decision of reemploying people, eliminating the weaker links and retaining those who are crucial to your business. To revive a business, it is important to retain the right people on board and politely excuse yourself of the wrong ones.5. Process and product impr ovementsBesides people and strategy, another thing that you need to focus upon is the re-innovation of the products(services) and the business operations. Without regular upgradation and innovation of products and services, customers soon tend to lose interest, and this could be the reason for your downfall. Make sure you are offering your consumers something that they cannot find anywhere else. Regular changes in the products according to the demands of the market and customers are the keys to maintaining consumer interest.Same holds true for your business processes and operations. Have you incorporated the latest technologies or systems in your systems and processes? Do you innovate your working style, environment and principles with changing times? If not, then you should probably start doing that now!6. Financial restructuringOne of the main and obvious reasons for a failing business is the lack of funds. Without solving the problem of financing, all the other efforts toward s a turnaround can fail miserably. If you are running out of cash, then it is a good idea that you focus on the financial restructuring of your business. While it is a great idea to look for external funding, it is even better to try to source it from within your company. Some of the ways to do so are given as follows:Cut down on costs wherever possible and lay off some of the unproductive staff.If you need to raise quick cash, consider selling some fixed assets.Try to take some money from your personal savings.Only after internal funding sources have been exhausted should you opt for external funding, the best examples of which are borrowing from a friend, taking a loan from a bank and leasing, etc.7. Back to normalNow the next strategy involves returning to normal. Once the company has a constant cash flow, and everyone has gotten used to the changes, it is important to go back into the same work schedule and create an atmosphere of normality. Once the company is out of the cr isis situation, employees begin to gain more confidence, processes are put back into their normal speed and efforts are made to maintain the strong performance.8. Become digitalAs the world is moving towards technological advancements and development, it is important to move ahead with it. Most consumers and customers these days look online for buying products and services and the industry demands you to go digital. Going the digital route is not just the need of the hour but also the demand of the consumers. Introduce latest systems, online technologies and online marketing in your strategy to gain the maximum in the current circumstances. Going digital also gives you an edge over your competitors and puts you in the league of those who are already gaining huge profits through online marketing and sales.The internet offers you a superb opportunity to reinvent yourself and bounce back hard. It is no doubt that the internet has changed the world, the way businesses work and the w ay consumers buy. So to complete the process of your corporate turnaround, it is important to have a good website, a strong SEO centric approach, e-commerce facility as well as social media presence.
Effective Corporate Turnaround Strategies
Effective Corporate Turnaround Strategies Every business around the world needs a combination of several factors and ingredients to succeed and maintain that success. But not each one of it manages to keep the graph going up either due to lack of funds, improper marketing, wrong people onboard or inefficient products and services.It may then begin to take the road down and go through a downward spiral. So should one just give up and lose all hope or should it make efforts to revive and come up the surface? Well, the process of revival and finding the way up again is known as corporate turnaround. © | fotogestoeberIn this article, we shall discuss the various strategies that can lead to an effective corporate turnaround by exploring the sections 1) corporate turnaround: an insight, 2) basic requirements for corporate turnaround, and 3) super-effective turnaround strategies.CORPORATE TURNAROUND: AN INSIGHTIt is common for businesses around the world to experience a downturn in their endeavors either due to higher than expected expenses or due to lower than anticipated sales or profits. While, in some cases, this situation can be handled and dealt easily, in other cases, this situation may lead to a downwards spiral. In such a case, the management of the organization must find ways to rise up from depths and make its way towards profits again. Corporate turnaround or turnaround management is the process of transforming a loss-making company into a profit-making. It is simply the method to corporate renewal that is aimed at saving a troubled corporation and rect ifying all those mistakes and wrong steps that can lead to a profit generating situation again. Corporate turnaround is structured, well-planned and methodological approach to the revival of a company and is achieved by following a step-by-step approach that takes time, investment and the participation of people.Questions to ask to find out whether your company needs a turnaroundIn order to find out whether your company needs a corporate turnaround or not, it is important to ask yourself a few questions, and they are given as follows:Is your company currently in a distressed condition and is heading towards a downward spiral?Is your company faltering in its efforts and going out of control?Is your company spending more than it’s earning and are the earnings hard to come by?Has your company suffered from the reputation?Once you answer these questions, you will automatically get an idea of its current state, based on which you can take further actions.Common causes for failure of a corporate enterpriseBefore making your way towards a corporate turnaround, it is important to know and understand the various causes of the failure of your enterprise. In most cases, businesses focus more on the signs/symptoms of decline rather than looking into the actual reasons for it. But without knowing the reasons, the rectification remains incomplete. There can be many reasons for the decline of a business, and they are broadly divided into two types: external and internal causes. Let’s take a look at both in detail:External causesExternal causes for failure of a company or organization are those kinds of causes that result from an external event, activity, trend or happening. The trends in the industry and the economic condition outside it can greatly affect a business or organization, no matter how it functions or how well it implements changes. The following are some of the main external causes for failure of a corporate enterprise:New aggressive competitor Presence of one or more aggressive competitors in the market or industry can lead to the downfall of an enterprise.Increase in prices of supply Another reason for the failure of a corporation could be a sudden and unexpected increase in the prices of supply.Changes in the market demand Shift in market demand and reduction in product preference too can be a major reason.Economic conditions The current condition of the market or economy could be a contributing factor to the decline of a company.Internal causesAs the name suggests, internal causes for failure of a corporation are those kinds of causes which emerge from within the company and is a result of poor people participation, inadequate efforts, improper tools, and others. The following are some of the main internal causes:Failures of management Poor management of a business enterprise often leads to its downfall and can be a major reason for is a failure.Failures in financial decisions Loss in budget controls, weak financial forecasti ng and absence of a proper costing system are just some examples of insufficient financial controls in a company that could lead to its downfall.Ignorance of new trends Ignoring the new trends in the industry and failing to grow with it could also be a big reason for a business’s decline.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR A CORPORATE TURNAROUNDIt is important to understand that not all businesses facing failure can be rescued. There are some things needed to implement the process of turnaround and without fulfilling these basic requirements, no distressed business can be totally revived. The following are the 3 basic components or requirements for a corporate turnaround:1. A strong core: Any business with a viable and strong core qualifies to go through the process of a turnaround, no matter how distressed it may be currently. A solid background with reliable employees and enough goodwill can be revived through efforts and turnaround strategies. Of course, even on having a strong core, a business will need to work hard to taste success again.2. Short-term financing: Besides strong and solid roots, a business or corporation also needs proper funding, and that can be made possible through short-term financing. A company must have access to sufficient short-term financing in order to rise up again and work towards its own revival. The idea is to have enough cash flow to bring back the business on its feet again.3. Resources and skills: A company must also have access to both intangible and tangible resources as well as skills. Without the proper resources, knowledge, expertise and skills, no business can bounce back again, in spite of having the cash flow and solid base. Without skills and resources, the corporate turnaround can prove to be either a very difficult task or an impossible one.SUPER-EFFECTIVE CORPORATE TURNAROUND STRATEGIESCorporate turnaround isn’t just one-point procedure that can be achieved by making just a few minor changes. Turning around a struggling business to a thriving one can be a complex process, one which involves several steps, methods, and strategies. It may sometimes take years to bring a business back on its feet because several factors need to be taken care of including management, finances, marketing, operations, human resources and many others. A strategic approach has to be followed to fulfill the turnaround and for your reference, we have compiled some of the best strategies for an effective corporate turnaround:1. Situation reevaluationTo cure a problem, a diagnosis of the initial cause is the first step that is to be followed. Same is the case with corporate turnarounds. The first step that you need to follow is to figure out whether your business is damaged beyond repair or not. If not, then you need to look within the organization to figure out what the problem is. Only when you reevaluate the situation can you decide what actions can be taken next. To achieve this, you need to focus on some key areas, which are given as follows:Product A business is made by the products and services it offers and hence it is important to focus on whether the products you are offering are innovative enough, unique enough and buyable enough for the consumers.Customers You need to figure out whether your consumers are satisfied with the products being offered to them and is the right target audience being targeted.Finance Is the cash flow enough to sustain the business’s operations? Do you have short term financing to stabilize the situation?Process You must fathom whether all your business processes and systems are in place and working effectively. Without this, business performance can go down considerably.People It may be time to figure out whether your business is supported by the right people and staff. Employees can play a big role in any organization’s success and hence you may have to cut down on few who may not be providing a good output.2. Crisis stabilizationOnce t he situation has been looked into, the next step is to stabilize the situation and make sure that the emergency state can be eliminated. To stabilize the crisis, you will need to conserve the liquidity of funds so that a window of opportunity can be created. You must aim for gaining a little restructuring of both the finances as well as the business so that the next steps can be easily dealt with, without worrying about the shortage of funds or chaos in business operations.You must, at this step track the situation, monitor it well and try to control it from going out of hand. Only when you make efforts for stabilization would you be able to experience the freedom to make necessary changes.3. Strategy redefiningThe next step to follow in order to turnaround the business effectively is to redefine the strategy that is being followed by your company currently. Redefining the strategy means making strategic or objective changes in the approach followed by your business to reach its goals. If the corporation is on a downward spiral, then one of the biggest reasons behind this could be a gap in the strategy. This is the step where you can make all the difference for the future of the organization and give it a new direction. Revisiting the strategic approach can also make you realize the holes in the previous approach and the changes that need to be made to it.Key areas to focus on:Vision You need to create your new strategy by keeping in mind what your vision or objective is. You must know exactly what you wish to achieve and where you want to take your business.Purpose Are you aware of the real purpose of your business? Your strategy must address this purpose and make sure it is fulfilling the objective for which it was created in the first place.Brand Your business strategy must also address your brand value and should focus on the kind of impact you wish to have on the public as a brand.Mission You must incorporate the intent to succeed in the business and how to succeed in the strategy as well.Values Does your business have any principles, policies and standards that it wants to maintain and follow? If yes, make sure your strategy takes them into consideration.4. Employee retention and reemploymentThere is hardly any corporate turnaround without talking about the people involved in it. It is the people or employees which run a business and no matter how your finances are, how good your strategy is, if the people backing it are not performing well, there is no way for it to succeed. Now may be the right time to figure out who really is offering the best services to your organization and who isn’t performing as per expectations.At this step, you need to take the decision of reemploying people, eliminating the weaker links and retaining those who are crucial to your business. To revive a business, it is important to retain the right people on board and politely excuse yourself of the wrong ones.5. Process and product impr ovementsBesides people and strategy, another thing that you need to focus upon is the re-innovation of the products(services) and the business operations. Without regular upgradation and innovation of products and services, customers soon tend to lose interest, and this could be the reason for your downfall. Make sure you are offering your consumers something that they cannot find anywhere else. Regular changes in the products according to the demands of the market and customers are the keys to maintaining consumer interest.Same holds true for your business processes and operations. Have you incorporated the latest technologies or systems in your systems and processes? Do you innovate your working style, environment and principles with changing times? If not, then you should probably start doing that now!6. Financial restructuringOne of the main and obvious reasons for a failing business is the lack of funds. Without solving the problem of financing, all the other efforts toward s a turnaround can fail miserably. If you are running out of cash, then it is a good idea that you focus on the financial restructuring of your business. While it is a great idea to look for external funding, it is even better to try to source it from within your company. Some of the ways to do so are given as follows:Cut down on costs wherever possible and lay off some of the unproductive staff.If you need to raise quick cash, consider selling some fixed assets.Try to take some money from your personal savings.Only after internal funding sources have been exhausted should you opt for external funding, the best examples of which are borrowing from a friend, taking a loan from a bank and leasing, etc.7. Back to normalNow the next strategy involves returning to normal. Once the company has a constant cash flow, and everyone has gotten used to the changes, it is important to go back into the same work schedule and create an atmosphere of normality. Once the company is out of the cr isis situation, employees begin to gain more confidence, processes are put back into their normal speed and efforts are made to maintain the strong performance.8. Become digitalAs the world is moving towards technological advancements and development, it is important to move ahead with it. Most consumers and customers these days look online for buying products and services and the industry demands you to go digital. Going the digital route is not just the need of the hour but also the demand of the consumers. Introduce latest systems, online technologies and online marketing in your strategy to gain the maximum in the current circumstances. Going digital also gives you an edge over your competitors and puts you in the league of those who are already gaining huge profits through online marketing and sales.The internet offers you a superb opportunity to reinvent yourself and bounce back hard. It is no doubt that the internet has changed the world, the way businesses work and the w ay consumers buy. So to complete the process of your corporate turnaround, it is important to have a good website, a strong SEO centric approach, e-commerce facility as well as social media presence.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Impact of Employees Motivation on Work Performance
IJRESS Volume 2, Issue 9 (September 2012) ISSN: 2249-7382 EFFECTS OF EMPLOYEES MOTIVATION ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE – A CASE STUDY Pankaj Chaudhary* ABSTRACT Motivational factors play an important role in increasing employee job satisfaction. This will result in improving organizational performance. High productivity is a long term benefits of employee motivation. Motivated employee is a valuable asset who creates value for an organization in strengthening the business and revenue growth. Motivation is going to work if the right person with suitable skills is made responsible for the job or otherwise it will be the wastage of resources and time, and will lead to job dissatisfaction. The paper is aimed to study the effect of†¦show more content†¦Period of No. of % Service Respondents 15 30 1 year 10 20 1-5 20 40 5-10 5 10 10 years Total 50 100 (Source: Primary Data) Table 3: How much you satisfied with you present organization? No. of Respondents 5 Very Satisfied 25 Satisfied 2 Neutral 10 Dissatisfied 8 Very Dissatisfied Total 50 (Source: Primary Data) Response % 10 50 4 20 16 100 Respondents 35 10 03 02 50 70 20 6 4 100 International Journal of Research in Economics Social Sciences 83 IJRESS Volume 2, Issue 9 (September 2012) Table 4: What is the nature of your job? Position in Top Management Manager Supervisor Employee Total (Source: Primary Data) No. of Respondents 2 5 15 28 50 % 4 10 30 56 100 ISSN: 2249-7382 Table 5: What is the nature of your job? Position in Top Management Manager Supervisor Employee Total (Source: Primary Data) No. of Respondents 2 5 15 28 50 % 4 10 30 56 100 Table 6: Does your organization appreciate your work? Position in Yes No Can’t Say Total (Source: Primary Data) No. of Respondents 28 18 4 50 % 56 36 8 100 Table 7: How much you satisfied you are with the Training and Development facilities provided by you organization at various levels? Level of Training Development Initial Training Ongoing Training for the performance of the Job Career Development Support (Source: Primary Data) Very Satisfactory 5 10Show MoreRelatedCorrelation Between Employee Motivation And Job Performance Essay1098 Words  | 5 Pagesfor any organization. So it is important to manage organizational happiness, so that employees will do their best for the organization. An employee performance appraisal can act as motivation for an employee to improve his productivity. When an employee sees his goals clearly defined and is measured against the set goals and objectives, a need can be identified about the future strategies of employee motivation. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
How E Commerce Has Impacted The Behavior Of People
During the last decades the world has seen an unprecedented considerable growth in information and communication technology, in fact thanks to internet, most of the countries in the world are linked together via satellite and servers networks, and it keeps growing at an exponential rate. This revolutionary change has impacted the behavior of people in doing business and which had risen e-commerce. According to Laudon and Traver e-commerce is the use of internet, the web and different application to conduct digitally enabled transaction between businesses and individuals. In e-commerce it’s mandatory that these transaction involve an exchange of value across the part in concern in return for a service or a good. E-commerce have significantly transformed commerce, in deed beforehand, commerce involved that sale and purchase of good and service using traditional marketing tools, marketers were influencing consumer behavior via advertising. Consumers were unable to have an accurate and symmetric information about the price, the quality, the cost of the product that they were buying, as a result, seller s were taking advantage of information asymmetry to raise their profit. Whereas, e-commerce has brought up a significant reduction in information asymmetry between market forces and allowed markets to get closer to perfect market competition. However, e-commerce allows sel lers to collect more precise information about consumer behavior and preferences which has given them theShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Technology On Managerial Accounting Essay1863 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Technological advances have dramatically changed many aspects within organizations and influenced how they operate today. In particular, technology has modernized accounting information in the way that it stored, shared and transmitted. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Birth Of A Nation - 1188 Words
The Birth of a Nation, arguably one of the most ambiguous names in the history of cinema, is only about to get more complex and chaotic. The Birth of a Nation was originally the title of D.W. Griffith’s 1915 racist propaganda film about the rise of the Ku Klux Klan who â€Å"saved†the South from being dictated by blacks during the Reconstruction era when the North tried to rebuild the South after the Civil War. Now, that title poises a new movie written, directed, produced, and starring actor Nate Parker that dramatizes the 1831 slave rebellion led by enslaved African-American Nat Turner. The movie was a serious success at 2016 Sundance Film Festival in Utah. It not only won the festival’s Grand Jury Prize; picked up an â€Å"Audience Award†; settled a record-breaking $17.5 million distribution deal with Fox Searchlight; but it even kick-started the early 2017 Oscar buzz. Given the film’s early accomplishments, one is left to wonder why it was named after something that is so controversial and still debated to this day. Almost more than a century ago, D.W. Griffith’s film forever changed the industry of filmmaking with not only its groundbreaking innovative applications of the camera such as close-ups, zooming, crosscutting, all of which heightened the power, the impact, and the emotion of the drama, but also lit up the screen with racist images that will always embarrass and provoke the people of America today (I hope). Hence, the foundation of white supremacy in films was born.Show MoreRelatedBirth of a Nation1338 Words  | 6 PagesTimes have now changed, but there are remnants of this subject everywhere, even in film. The movie Birth of a Nation is considered one of the greatest films of all time, even with these themes. AMC’s Filmsite even has it listed within the 100 Greatest Films of All Time. Another movie with the some of the same themes is Blazing Saddles. Blazing Saddles does not have the same stature as Birth of a Nation, but it does deserve to be higher in the canon. I do believe that Blazing Saddles does not have theRead MoreThe Birth Of A Nation1809 Words  | 8 Pagesthe form of blockbuster films. The Birth of a Nation, directed by D.W Griffith, being one of the first feature-length films of its time, was heralded for both its technical advancements and aesthetic appeal. Despite being criticized for its racist legacy, The Birth of a Nation, set what would become the new standard for Hollywood blockbuster films in film production techniques. Film production had reached new heights with the creation of The Birth of a Nation. With an original budget of $40,000Read MoreThe Birth Of A Nation1857 Words  | 8 PagesIf the signing of the declaration of independence capped an era that might be called the birth of a nation, the next decade might be an era aptly described as the definition of a nation. No other time period in the history of the United States did more to define and shape the nation than the years from 1786 to 1795. In 1786, the federal government was struggling with war debts and needed revenue from states. The NW Ordinance, adopted in July 1787, was written as a method for admitting new statesRead MoreProblems With Birth Of A Nation906 Words  | 4 PagesProblems with Birth of a Nation Birth of a Nation, a film written and directed by D. W. Griffith, that follows the lives of two different families during the Civil War and the hardships that they had faced. This film was very controversial for its time, and even during the current time period, with the issues of race being brought up during the majority of the film. This film was written during the 1920’s when pop culture was ever changing with the issues of race and gender. Birth of a Nation, was somewhatRead MoreThe Birth Of The League Of Nations1621 Words  | 7 PagesKaryn Hogu Analytical Paper IR 349 Section G1 The Birth of the League of Nations The Great War, now commonly referred to as World War One, ended on November 11th, 1918. In its wake lied a tremendously devastated Europe, which was where the majority of the carnage took place. Following World War One, Europeans were struggling to restore some sense of normalcy for themselves and their families. To do that, maintaining peace was imperative. Europe’s economy was in shambles, their land was left greatlyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Birth Of A Nation 803 Words  | 4 PagesGive a description of a scene that incorporates a more modern language of filmmaking via shots, lighting, editing. â€Å"Birth of a Nation†has a lot of scenes the movie itself is 3 hours long however in one specific scene D.W. Griffith manages to incorporate many modern filmmaking techniques. The scene in which Flora goes to retrieve water and is abruptly met by Gus incorporates many modern techniques. In this scene we see the use of close up shots to focus on character reactions from both Gus andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Birth Of A Nation 998 Words  | 4 PagesThe work of D.W. Griffith in the film Birth of a Nation was the blueprint for what we see in many of today’s films that we take for granted. He truly pioneered the use of line of sight and point of view many times in the first half of the movie. This was effective in developing back stories of the main characters and setting up some small but important plot lines like the future love story of the southern Cornel and his northern friend’s sister. This was done well with the showing of his hordingRead MoreUkraine. Birth of a Modern Nation1161 Words  | 5 PagesReview of the book â€Å"Ukraine. Birth of a Modern Nation†Contemporary Issues in CEE For my paper I’ve chosen Dr. Serhy Yekelchyk’s book â€Å"Ukraine. Birth of a Modern Nation†. For me as a Ukrainian it was interesting to see the history of my country and the process of formation of Ukrainian nation from the point of view of the Ukrainian Canadian historian. Initially the book was written in English and translated into Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, and Japanese. Surprisingly itRead MoreEssay about Birth of a Nation646 Words  | 3 Pages On March 3, 1915 the movie The Birth of a Nation was released at the Liberty Theatre in New York City. This film was financed, filmed, and released by the Epoch Producing Corporation of D.W. Griffith and Harry T. Aitken. It was one of the first films to ever use deep-focus shots, night photography, and to be explicitly controversial with the derogatory view of blacks. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout the movie, the film justified the need of the KKK in order to keep social harmony amongRead MoreRepresentation Of Diversity : The Birth Of A Nation Essay1449 Words  | 6 Pages Representation of Diversity America claims to be a country that is accepting off all different types people of all different cultural backgrounds. This nation propagandizes, and perpetuates the myth of the salad bowl. This reference is used to as an attempt to display that America is country that celebrates it cultural differences, and is equally accepting of all. The way that different cultures as represented in
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Information and Communication Technology for Sustainanble Development
Question: You are an employee of a large organisation based in Sydney. By introducing teleworking in the organisation, your supervisor plans to contribute to sustainable development and has asked you to research about teleworking. You are to write a report to be presented at the next executive meeting. The report should include: Teleworking and its challenges to the organisation and the teleworkers. You should consider the social, economic, ethical and legal factors. A critical review whether teleworking would really reduce nett greenhouse gas emissions as widely believed. Answer: Executive summary With the advent of various technologies the companies are switching over to the process of teleworking or telecommuting. This is not only proving to be economically and environmentally beneficial for the organizations but also economically and personally beneficial for the individuals who are opting for these kind of professions. The report includes brief description of the telecommuting process and its benefits to the society. The report further investigates the scope of teleworking within the existing organizational and technological infrastructure of Cisco Ltd which is one of the largest IT Company in Sydney. For the purpose of the proposal of implementing the telecommuting service within Cisco, the report focuses widely on the drawbacks of the system and on the sustainability of the system. The research for the purpose includes the referenced journals and published books. The analysis of the facts and published figures show that although the introduction of teleworking has the capability of reducing costs as well as carbon emissions however the adoption of teleworking will also bring about difficulties like isolation from society, legal workplace problems, emission of electronic energy and also communication and security problems within the companies as well as the individuals availing it. Hence the report shows that Cisco should not avail the telecommuting services for important positions like the code cracking and other IT solutions. The recommendation part shows that by taking he mentioned options like organizing the tele management community, appointing coordinator and providing legal rules and security system will help Cisco to successfully implement the system. However it may be noted that the from the discussion of the report it is clear that sustainability cannot be completely attained by introducing full time teleworking servicers. It can be reduced but not completely erased. Introduction Organizational background Tele commuting or tale workers are a recent introduction in the professional field which gives hundreds of individuals to work from their home without commuting to a centrally located workplace (Cox, 2009). Cisco ltd is a large IT based company located in New South Wales, Sydney and deals with providing IT solutions on software systems, Hardware and other online services to the multinational companies in Australia and other parts of the world. The company employs around 2500 people currently who are working in around 20 local projects in Australia and 13 international projects. The company is presently focusing on expansion strategy in UK and USA with higher focus on the creation of sustainable working conditions. Employing 25% of IT professionals as teleworkers will give the company a good scope. Research problem The major issue that will be discussed in the report is the negative effects or the problems faced by organizations in employing teleworkers. Around 16% of the employees work from home on a regular basis in Australia (D'Costa and Lane, 2010). The issue that will be discussed in the report will show whether increasing the percentage can be beneficial for the sustainable development of the country as well as Cisco Ltd. Objectives of the research The following objectives are to be achieved from the discussion of the report To determine the advantage of tele working in Cisco in respect of enterprise flexibility and cost savings To ascertain the challenges faced by Cisco in employing tele workers and also the challenges faced by the individual tele workers To evaluate the extent of sustainability that can be achieved by Cisco by employing telecommuters Research methodology The report will be prepared with the help of secondary data collected from the various peer reviewed journals and academic books published in this context. For the useful analysis of the data the websites and the company blogs of other companies using telecommuting services will also be viewed. Sustainable development Sustainable development may be defined as the process of developing new opportunities for the present generation without compromising and maintaining the environmental balance of the future. Dutcher (2012) opined that sustainable development is a better way of doing things. By incorporating sustainable activities like environment preservation, incorporation of health plans, planning of new communities, sustainable food chains it is possible to increase the quality of the life of the individuals. Sustainable development ensures that an economic development takes place howe3ver in the process there is no depletion of natural resources. ICT can contribute to sustainability by introducing technologically advanced electronic devices that will help to promote services without any commutation of people and goods (Nishina, 2010).The use of the ICT for introduction of Tele commuting has helped to reduce the use of resources by the individuals. Different sustainability programs are being conducted all over the world which includes WorldFish project, The Economy and Environment program of South East Asia etc which creates opportunities to balance the depletion of the different resources. As per the reports of Australian weather department, the country is experiencing extreme weather conditions which are crippling the financial conditions of the country. The city aims to reduce the carbon emissions by 70% within the year 2020 (Ozcelik, 2010). Hence to make the atmosphere sustainable different large and small organizations are contributing to the process by engaging in activities like tri generation, renewable energy master plan, solar project plan, and energy efficiency programs and installing energy efficient street park lights. Teleworking and its benefits According to Renick (2010), teleworking or telecommuting is a form of employment where the individual is given an option to work from home or any convenient place with the help of electronic media. The opportunity of teleworking helps the individuals to reduce the commutation expenses and also helps the organization to reduce costs relating to transportation, electricity etc. The different forms of telework are namely electronic homework, satellite centers, neighborhood centers and mobile work. As per the Forbes report approximately 50% of the employees in Middle East, Latin America and Asia are engaged in frequent telecommuting and nearly 10% of the workers practice telecommuting from home on regular basis. Although very few companies in US employ telecommuters however an exception is seen in case of call centre companies providing IT solutions to the national and international clients in US. Around 40% of the employees in these types of companies are seen to be teleworkers (Allen et al. 2013). The overall process of teleworking is facilitated by ICT tools like virtual private networks, conference calling, Voice over IP, video conferencing and virtual call centre. The trend of teleworking emerged in past 5 years and strengthened due to the introduction of devices like laptops, cloud computing, wifi availability, Smartphone and Personal digital assistants (PDAs). Benefits of teleworking Benefit to individuals: The option of work from home gives the employees an opportunity to maintain work life balance. Lautsch and Kossek (2011) opined that it also helps them to save money by reduction of transport and other allowances. The availing of this working condition also increase the productivity of the individuals as they can avoid physical stress. Benefit to the communities: This option helps to create employment rate by employing large number of telecommuters. In the Middle East around 25% of the retired population is recorded to have recruited as telecommuters. The other benefits to the society are the reduction of the traffic rate and accidents, cost reduction of transportation infrastructures, reduction of greenhouse gases and energy use (Baard and Thomas, 2010). Benefit to the employers: The organizations are also benefited from the employment of the telecommuters which includes reduction of direct costs, expansion of talent pools, reduction of spread of illness and also earning of ax credit due to availability of sustainable development features. Challenges of teleworking to organization and teleworkers Challenges faced by employers and organization Technical difficulties: The major concern that the employers face s the barriers in respect of internet connections, internet speed, network slowdowns and availability of correct ICT options for the employees working as teleworkers in their homes (Richard, 2012). Disparity in organizational culture: Working from home doesnt give the teleworkers an opportunity to adopt the organizational culture of the company. This creates a situation of internal resistance for the teleworkers (Cox, 2009). Moreover there occurs a lack of trust on the part of the employer since the employer anticipates that the productivity of the employee will decrease due to homely distractions. High technological costs: The introduction of telework within the existing system of any organization will be a costly method. In case of Cisco limited the employers will not incur much cost because it is an IT company which already has the facilities of ICT installed within the organization. However Dutcher (2012) opined that problems like installation of laptops, computers, secure network, and cloud computation may involve high costs for the companies. Security issues: The companies may have issues relating to security breaches, dislocation of files, and transfer of data in case of teleworkers. In case of office work the security protocols are maintained by installing firewalls to protect from malware and blocking threatening profiles. However this is not possible in case of home working facilities. Challenges faced by employees working as telecommuters Low interaction: Around 22% of the employees are of the opinion that availing the options of telecommuting crates a prolonged situation of isolation for the individual.Richard (2012) states that the level of effective interaction between the teleworkers and the organizations gets reduced. This negatively affects the mindset of the employee and reduces the productivity. Exclusion from workplace decisions: Survey of Queensland university of Technology shows that the telecommuters find themselves detached from any kind of official information or decision like change in policies or management. Moreover the co workers at office dont feel the importance of involving them in social activities like picnics, annul functions or club meetings. Other issues: The employees also face problem related to stagnant career growth line involving no promotions, lack of assistance in the work form any higher authorities of the company and lack of balance between work and personal distractions at home (Baard and Thomas, 2010). Relation between teleworking and reduction of green house gas emissions According to the IT industry, teleworking has the capability to reduce CO2 emissions by around 265m tones. As per the reports of WHO in 2005 internal use of video conferencing as means of working allowed to save around 54,000 tons of CO2 by reducing the transportation level of the employees. Richard (2012) suggested that the theory of moving electrons consuming less energy compared to moving molecules have induced the organizations as well as the government of different countries to adopt the opportunities of teleworking. However Noonan and Glass (2012) argued that although the carbon emissions may be reduced however the telecommuters use the same technologies as in office and this makes duplicate use of same energy thereby reducing the energy resources. The reports created by the companies showing the large reduction in the CO2 levels have been prepared making vague assumptions there are no accurate figures as prove to the theory. Moreover Baard and Thomas (2010) added that the extensive se of teleworking involves high degree of e-emissions from the use of technological devices which may contribute to negative environmental situations. Conclusions On analyzing the various reports and the studies it can be concluded that use of teleworking as an employment opportunity may be feasible. However the various disadvantages focused in the report shows that a full time tale working for a prolonged period may result into creating a negative situation for both organization as well as the employees. The report shows that the extensive use of telecommuting services will create negative environmental situations like reduction of life cycle of the computers and increase of e- emissions. The computers are responsible for 2% of global CO2 emissions. Hence although the teleworking will reduce the CO2 emission but it will consequently increased by the use of computers. In this report Cisco Ltd is an IT company hence it is already into the business of providing IT solutions to the clients with extensive use of ICT appliances like PDAs and Laptops. If the company further introduces the system of teleworking within the organization then rate of CO2 emission from the computers will increase Moreover the WHS standards are applicable also in case of teleworkers which shows that any kind of occupational health hazard of the telecommuter will be the responsibility of the company. Hence it is not advisable for Cisco ltd to undertake full time teleworkers for important posts. In addition to this the Queensland department of Industrial Relations sets out a number of regulations that should be followed by organizations as well as the individuals to be eligible to work as telecommuters. For Cisco ltd to avail the opportunity the company needs to acknowledge the following facts namely Telecommuting should be a voluntary offer on the part of the employee The service can be availed based on the work suitability Maintenance of equal salary structure in spite of tale commuting services The high legal obligations will make it difficult for Cisco ltd to avail the services. Moreover the ethical issues like the security breach will pose as a bigger problem in maintaining the quality of work by Cisco LTD. The company being an IT company needs to have access to important data loss or duplication of which will hamper the reputation of the company. In recent British council survey of employees in Australia showed that around 30% of the teleworkers are having trouble balancing the productivity of the work along with the personal distractions. This shows that the emotional and the social life of the individuals working as telecommuter are hampered to a great extent. They dont feel associated with the daily working life rather are isolated from any kind of social activities. The discussion of the problem sows that Cisco ltd will also face problem relating to the emotional and organizational attachment with the telecommuters. Since the company has an existing employee base of 2500 hence it would become difficult for the company to manage the office workers along with the commuters in each and every project. Hence an overall discussion of the benefits and the problem that teleworking service is facing it can be concluded that it is not a viable option for Cisco ltd. Although the company may benefit from the reduction of direct costs however the rate of carbon emission cannot be controlled accurately and also the legal and social problems will make it difficult for the organization to function effectively. Recommendations The following recommendations may be useful for the management and implementation of the telecommuting services in Cisco ltd. Use of mobile technology: Since extensive use of computers results in CO 2 emissions hence it is advisable to the supervisors of Cisco to use the mobile or the PDA services for the purpos4e of telecommuting works. Cisco ltd is dealing in outsourcing and BPO services hence after providing necessary training to the teleworkers the company can focus on using their services in the BPO activities. The use of mobile will not result in e-emissions and neither will result in increase of CO2 level. Install security facilities: To prevent any kind of malware or transfer or dislocation of important files the company can install similar firewall security system in the home computers of the teleworkers. This will ensure that the company has an access to the security system of the teleworkers. Selection of the right employees: the system of the telecommuting to be sucessful Cisco ltd needs to ensure that the right employees are selceted for the posts. The company in this respct can arraange for initail office trainning for the newly recruited employes. Moreover the company can alos recuit experinced candidates who have working knowledge of IT as wel as expeisnce in the field of telecommuting. This will ensure the level of productivity within the organisation. Build an effecicint system of teleworking: Cisco ltd needs to build a new system to ensure the smooth workings of the telecommuters. In this respect the ocmpany needs to appoint a telework corordinator and form a seprate group of 10 workers each under one co ordiantor. His wil ensure that the productivity of the employeees can be monitored and laos they will get any kind of technical assitance form the ofiice. Creation of telework policy: Cisco ldt further needs to create a new telework policy in compliance with the workplace regulations so that an effective communication is possible between the teleworkers and the office representatitives. The policy will define the parametres of the progrm including the correct job specifications and personnel requirements. The policy will also define the slary stucture that is feasible to be paid to the teleworkers. The salary stucture will be euqla to that of an office employe and wll include the divisions of rewards and incentives along with the times of performance apprials. This will create a level of ocnfidence among the employees to availa the teleworking services. In reagrd to the job suitability of the employees the management at Cisco should be careful t chose employees for work like writing of reports, case analysis, data analysis, writing of regualtions and decsions. These jobs donot require any kiind of physical precense on the par t of the employee hence the employee is able to fufill the task accordingly. Manaintan organisational enviornment: Although the teleworkers are not present physically in the company premisese however the mangement at Cisco should concentarte on manageing the organisational atmosphere with the employees. For this the managent will have to maintain a sense of control and supervision on the dialy work target, incarse the level of trust, make elcetronic based collaboration and redesign the working procedures. Reference list Books Cox, W. (2009).Improving quality of life through telecommuting. Winnipeg, Man.: Frontier Centre for Public Policy. Journals Allen, T. D., Johnson, R. C., Kiburz, K., Shockley, K. .M. (2013). A finer-grained meta-analytic assessment of the relationship between work-family conflict and flexible work arrangements, Personnel Psychology, 66(2), pp-345-376. Baard, N. and Thomas, A. (2010). Teleworking in South Africa: Employee benefits and challenges.,SA j. hum. resour. manag., 8(1). D'Costa, A. and Lane, M. (2010) The adoption of single sign-on and multifactor authentication in organisations -- A critical evaluation using TOE framework, Issues in Informing Science Information Technology, 7, pp. 161-189. Dutcher, E. (2012) The Effects of Telecommuting on Productivity: An Experimental Examination.The Role of Dull and Creative Tasks, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 84, pp- 355-363 Lautsch, B. A and Kossek, E. E. (2011). Managing a blended workforce: Telecommuters and non-telecommuters,Organizational Dynamics, 40(1), pp-10-17 Nishina, M. (2010). Applications of Teleworking Based on a Study of Disabled Workers.Industrial Health, 48(3), pp.292-295. Noonan, M., and Glass, J. (2012). The hard truth about telecommuting., Monthly Labor Review, 135(6),pp- 38-45 Ozcelik, Y. (2010). The rise of teleworking in the USA: key issues for managers in the information age.IJBIS, 5(3), p.211. Renick, T. (2010) The Advantages of Being Voiceless.Teaching Theology Religion, 13(3), pp.248-250. Richard. L. (2012) Telecommuting: Implementation for Success, International Journal of Business and Social Science , 3(15), pp-20-29
Saturday, April 4, 2020
GENOCIDIO Essays - DraftQuarzo, DraftJAYKO, Helen Fein
CONSIDERACIONES ACERCA DEL GENOCIDIO COMO PARTE DEL CONFLICTO EN LA SOCIEDAD MODERNA A lo largo de la historia, las sociedades han experimentado varias formas de conflicto en las cuales la violencia ha sido un instrumento constantemente utilizado para imponerse al ?otro?. En este convulsionado proceso, surge el genocidio como una forma extrema de agresi?n, orientada a la aniquilaci?n de un grupo social en raz?n de resolver las diferencias. Justificado por argumentos de diferente tipo, el genocidio se convierte en un crimen que evidencia la falta de tolerancia y plantea una contradicci?n entre los valores y derechos tan promovidos por los estados democr?ticos modernos y sus pr?cticas pol?ticas. El t?rmino genocidio de la ra?z griega Genos (raza/clan) y del lat?n Cidio (matar), fue acu?ado por el acad?mico polaco Rafael Lemkin en 1944 para describir la destrucci?n de grupos enteros nacionales, religiosos o raciales- por asesinato directo e indirecto, lo cual condujo a su desaparici?n tanto biol?gica como cultural durante la segunda guerra mundial; especialmente, por la pol?tica alemana de asimilaci?n de otras poblaciones a sus patrones culturales pol?ticos y econ?micos y la persecuci?n a los jud?os. No obstante lo reciente de la definici?n del termino genocidio, los antecedentes de este crimen hallan en tiempos ancestrales. Existen infinidad de ejemplos de grupos o naciones que conquistan, colonizan o exterminan a otros. Confirmando como una pr?ctica com?n matar a los miembros del grupo vencido. Helen Fein nos da cuenta de los casos del conquistador asi?tico Atila en Europa, las masacres perpetradas en el medio oriente por las fuerzas del mongol Genghis Kan como casos de gen ocidio. M?s adelante, en el siglo XVI durante el periodo colonial podemos calificar de Genocidio, la legitimaci?n que hicieron los europeos de la violencia en Am?rica porque su incursi?n en estas tierras estuvo sustentada en la cultura del terror, en una pol?tica de avasallamiento por medio del crimen con el fin de evangelizar y civilizar a los ?b?rbaros? ind?genas. Al igual que el genocidio cometido por los colonos ingleses o los pioneros americanos contra los nativos norteamericanos. En este punto es interesante analizar como en la conducta genocida de los espa?oles entr? en juego el elemento de negaci?n del ?otro? representado en los ind?genas pues los europeos al enfrentarse con los ind?genas se ven as? mismos superiores. Joseph Fontana plantea: ?El nuevo t?rmino de referencia sobre el que se ha elaborado esta imagen es el de la naturaleza inferior de los no europeos; pero en el espejo al que se han mirado para definirse tiene una doble cara. En una de ellas se ?ven? las diferencias de raza (?) en la otra fundamentada en una visi?n euroc?ntrica de la historia, se ve el de ?primitivo?. Del primero han surgido el genocidio y la trata de esclavos; del segundo el imperialismo?. De esta forma, con la mirada que identificaba a los europeos entre s? y que los distingu?a de los dem?s, surgi? una imagen en la cual el ?otro? se define a partir de sus defectos y limitaciones, neg?ndoles la identidad y el reconocimiento de su diversidad cultural lo que conduce despu?s a una asimilaci?n forzada que tiene como etapa concluyente el genocidio. Posteriormente, en el tr?nsito a la modernidad, siglo XVIII-XIX se va configurando un nuevo orden que sustituye al antiguo r?gimen. Este se apoya en los ideales de la revoluci?n que sirven de referente para la transformaci?n social de occidente, la formaci?n de estados nacionales, las primeras instituciones democr?ticas, la consolidaci?n del capitalismo, la revoluci?n industrial y el sistema imperialista, en un periodo marcado por las grandes guerras y revoluciones en el cual las potencias buscan expandirse m?s all? de sus fronteras en busca de nuevos mercados representados por los territorios y colonias de ultramar que generan ingresos econ?micos. Todo esto viene acompa?ado del uso del concepto de superioridad racial como argumento para validar el genocidio contra los pueblos atacados, se da una lucha encarnizada entre las naciones que buscaban extender su civilizaci?n y su poder, nutriendo constantemente el mito racial y de la despersonalizaci?n y ejerciendo la violencia. Joseph Fontana dice: ?El racismo ha seguido instalado en nuestra sociedad (?) pero pasamos por alto su realidad cotidiana de discriminaci?n y prejuicio(?) no se basa en ideas razonadas sino en tenores inconfesables. No es
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Frankinstein essays
Frankinstein essays At a first glance, readers can make an immediate connection between Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and the following three stories: the Prometheus myth, Paradise Lost, and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Shelley used allusions to these three stories in Frankenstein to help clarify many vital ideas of the work. An allusion is an implied or indirect reference that is especially used in literature. Shelleys characterization in the novel Frankenstein is effective because she uses allusion in the Prometheus myth, Paradise Lost, and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Victor Frankenstein and Prometheus are similar because they share an obsession for creating life. In order to illustrate this similarity, Shelley uses The Modern Prometheus (subtitle), which compares the two characters and their creations. Frankensteins creation was made out of dead human body parts, and was called The Creature. Likewise, Prometheus created human life out of clay. Both Victor and Prometheus are eventually punished as a result of their creations. Victors monster is violent and kills people, and Zeus ties Prometheus to a rock, where vultures eat his liver. The Ancient Mariner and Robert Walton are alike because they both ventured on a sea journey where they encountered bad luck. On the Ancient Mariners journey, he killed an albatross, which is a sign of bad luck. His crew made a necklace out of the albatross in which he wore for the rest of the trip. Bad luck also came during Robert Waltons journey, when he and his crew encountered dreadful weather. The crew insisted on turning around and heading back home; however, Walton wanted to continue the trip. Mary Shelley compares Walton to the Ancient Mariner when she said I am going to unexplored regions, to the land of mist and snow, but I shall kill no albatross; therefore d ...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Write a critique on a Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Write a critique on a Film - Essay Example White (Tom Hanks) who is the band’s second manager, Faye Dolan (Liv Tyler) Jimmys girlfriend and the bands "costume mistress", Tina (Charlize Theron) Guys girlfriend, Guy Patterson (Tom Everett Scott) the drum player in the band and Steve Zahn (Lenny Haiser) the guitarist and backing vocals of the group. In the year 1964, Guy Patterson (Tom Everett Scott) is a jazz drummer working at his family’s Erie, Pennsylvania Appliance store. Because the regular drummer of the band (Giovanni Ribisi) has broken his arm, Lenny Haise (Steve Zahn) and Jimmy Mattingly (Johnathon Schaech) approach Guy Patterson to ask him to sit in with their band at the annual Mercyhurst College talent show (Maslin, 1). During rehearsals, the group carefully rehearses a sensational ballad titled â€Å"That Thing You Do.†Faye Dolan (Liv Tyler), Jimmy’s girlfriend suggests that the group call themselves â€Å"The Oneders†. She is inspired by Guy’s great performance at the rehearsal. After a brilliant rehearsal, Guy messes up in the talent show by playing a faster tempo for â€Å"That Thing You Do! than in rehearsals. The audiences react negatively to the song, but Oneders eventually emerge the winner of $100 top prize. After the talent show, the group started playing gigs, they pl ayed at a local pizza parlor as their first gig. Maslin (1) reveals how they started selling a single of â€Å"That Thing You Do! with the help of Guy’s Uncle Bob (Chris Isaak). The single attracted the attention of Phil Horace (Chris Ellis) the local manager. Horace signs the group to bigger gigs and they are given airplay of the single. The band is offered a contract with Play-Tone Records by Mr. White (Hanks), they sign the contract and change their famous band name to â€Å"The Wonders†in order to avoid confusions. The group then is faced with internal disagreement which leads to their fall. Jimmy
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Series of questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Series of questions - Assignment Example Mucosa layer is a mucous membrane that gets a line in the gut all the way from the mouth towards the anus and contains numerous mucosal glands. It plays a significant role of secreting substances, absorption of digestion end products when they pass through it, as well as protection of the gut wall. It gets composed of three layers; the epithelium, the lamina, and the muscular mucosae. The epithelium layer gets located within the innermost section of the mucosa and made up of stratified squamous epithelium (Petrie, 2007). It has numerous goblet cells and endocrine cells. The goblet cells play the role of secreting mucus guards the gut wall from digestion, and, on the other hand, the endocrine hormone plays the role of secreting hormones into the human blood system. The lamina layer gets located outside the epithelium layer of mucosa and made up of individual tissues known as areolar connective tissue. It has some blood vessels and lymphatic vessels supplying nutrients to this wall and undertaking the absorption of the digestive end products. The muscular mucosae are the outermost layer of the mucosa and have smooth muscles, with the major role of conducting the local movements. The smooth muscles are numerous and, therefore, increase the surface area for absorption by mucosa. Submucosa layer gets loosened connective membrane layer, composed of numerous large blood vessels. It has various lymphatic and nerves with lots of glands that secret mucous. The areolar connective tissues in the submucosa layer get composed of nerve fibers. Submucosa layer plays the major role in giving support to the mucosa, together with joining the mucosa to the bulk of the smooth muscles. Muscularis Externa, also known as muscular propria, is a smooth muscular layer composed of two layers; the inner circular layer and the outer longitudinal layer. The two layers play a role of peristalsis to aid in the movement of food
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Expertise Has Been Defined As The Outstanding Performance Nursing Essay
Expertise Has Been Defined As The Outstanding Performance Nursing Essay Expertise has been defined as the outstanding performance and appropriate behaviour shown during an uncertain situation. However, Erricson Smith argued that expertise requires series of outstanding achievements under different circumstances. Additionally, Ericsson (1999) defined expertise as ability to take the right decision for a particular situation and performing it at the right time. Jensen et al. (1999: 23) had a totally different perception, that experts use specific knowledge to solve problems and the knowledge is learned by means of practice and experience. Therefore, a requisite for expertise is experience Benner (2001: 3). However, Higgs and Jones (2008: 123) said merely gathering of years of experience does not mean they will become experts. Experience is necessary for the attainment of expertise, but is not sufficient: some therapists do not attain expertise despite many years of experience. Therefore, it is not simply years of experience that is important; rather, to le arn and grow, is considered to be vitally necessary for individuals (Jensen et al.1999). King at al (2008:110) stated extensive, focussed, and challenging experience is considered necessary, but very little is known about how much of, what type of experience is required for the development of expertise. Nojima et al (2003: 4) notes that expertise and experience are interlinked. However, in physiotherapy practice, it does not necessarily follow that with increased years of experience, the quality and quantity of care always improves. Furthermore, Anon (1961) defined expertise as the skill or knowledge of a person who is highly experienced or has superior performance in a specific subject related to their study. However, Crosby et al (1990: 374) stated an expert is one who is trained in a specialty area, either by education, experience, or both. Furthermore, Higgs and Jones (2008: 123) stated expertise is continuous process of development rather than a static state resulting from different aspects like knowledge and problem-solving skills. The process of developing expertise is progressive, but not straight and continuous (Nojima 2003: 4). Benner (1984) puts forth, using the Dreyfus model that in acquisition of development and skill, a student passes through five levels of proficiency: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and expert. These stages from novice to expert highlight knowledge and decision making as essential requirements to expertise. In addition, Higgs and Jones (2008: 124) said expertise depended on detailed knowledge in a specific area, enabling them to distinguish the most critical and relevant information and to engage in effective action. Thus, expertise is a multi dimensional concept, these factors and characteristics serve the basis for understanding expertise (Jensen et al. 1999:23). There is an unbelievable rate of change in health care system, and significant advances in physiotherapy. Therefore, it is very important to understand how physiotherapists achieve expertise which will help in effective and efficient management of patients (Jensen et al. 1999:12). Thus, it can be seen that various factors contribute in developing expertise; however, understanding developing expertise helps one to become an expert from a novice. One such factor that contributes in developing expertise and will be addressed in this essay is knowledge, with the main focus on practical knowledge. KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTS Knowledge is defined as an understanding of the facts (propositional knowledge), values (personal knowledge), and procedures ( knowledge derived from theory and research (Higgs and Jones 2011: 154) e.g. there are five lumbar vertebrae in a human vertebral column. Non propositional knowledge or knowing how is created through practice and experience (Higgs and Jones 2011: 154) e.g. mobilization of joints. Non-propositional knowledge encloses tacit knowledge, practical knowledge and personal knowledge (self-knowledge) (Higgs and Titchen 1995: 526) e.g. of tacit knowledge is when a patient is made to stand from sitting, automatically the hand of the therapist supports the shoulder of the patient. Jensen et al (2000: 28) stated reality and knowledge are socially constructed. That is, reality exists because we give meaning to it. Thus, the individuals perceptions of reality, truth and knowledge have subjective dimensions or interpretations, as well as objective dimensions (reflecting the world out there). Knowledge is considered as a dynamic phenomenon undergoing constant changes and testing (Higgs and Titchen pg 521). For e.g. an expert physiotherapist has more knowledge than the novice which increases with experience. (Novice is a person who is new to the field or work where he/she is placed).An expert physiotherapist learns from experience, what typical events to expect in a given situation and how to respond to it (Benner 2001: 28). However, Higgs and Titchen (pg 521) stated knowledge is the product of a dynamic and indeed difficult process of knowing, or striving to understand. In such striving, the individuals depth and certainty of knowledge grows. For e.g.: An expert paediatric physical therapist collects multiple and selective cues through observation, handling of the child and conversation with the mother. The expert begins to see a pattern of motor delay that appears to be mild and knows the child would benefit from being encouraged to make specific movements whereas the no vice physiotherapist applies an evaluation framework, testing reflexes that he can remember. He tests child in all position and does not observe any abnormal responses to the tests he applies. Therefore, he concluded that the child has no problem (Jensen at al 1999: 21) Furthermore, knowledge is essential for reasoning and decision making, which lie at the centre of physiotherapy practice (Higgs and Titchen pg 521) for eg: an expert physiotherapist has to have knowledge about rheumatoid arthritis to choose the correct intervention for treating it. Jensen et al (2000: 28) argued that differences between experts and novices lay primarily in experts recall of meaningful patterns, that is, in the structure of the knowledge rather than in a problem-solving strategy applied to the problem. In addition, they postulated that problem-solving expertise was case specific and highly dependent on the clinicians mastery of a particular content domain. Developing and changing forms of knowledge are critical aspects of student learning, as they help students move from memorization of facts or information to understand key concepts and structure of knowledge. For example, if a novice can grasp the critical concept of testing muscles in gravity and antigravity positions and knows muscle structure and function, memorizing specific tests is unnecessary. Instead the novice can rely on knowledge structures. (Jensen et al 1999 pg 22).However, Higgs and Titchen( pg 521) concludes that it is possible to deal with knowledge and knowledge claims, using a flexible framework which consists of the four key elements apparently common to all knowledge-oriented activities, i.e. social interaction, personal commitment, development of the mind, and value implication of knowledge. Knowledge from one category can be transferred to other. For example: Practical knowledge can be transformed into formal, publically assessable propositional knowledge through theorization or rigorous critique. Propositional knowledge on the other hand also arises through basic or applied research. It can then be elaborated and arranged through practice to become part of the experience of individual (Higgs and Jones 2008 : 154). Practical knowledge is associated with the interpretive paradigm and is embedded in the world of meanings and of human interactions (pg525 Higgs and Titchen). However, in medicine and the health care professions, propositional knowledge is more valued than practical knowledge (Higgs and Titchen: 525).However, as discussed practical knowledge is considered important for expertise (Higgs Jones 2001: 154). Therefore, my focus will be on practical knowledge. PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE Smith et al (2003: 321) stated that it is both clinical and theoretical knowledge base, which enables physiotherapy experts to distinguish the most critical and relevant information and to engage in effective action e.g. in stroke rehabilitation, the expert knows how and when to make patients sit out of the bed whereas the novice will not make the patient sit thinking it is just two days of post stroke. However, King et al (2007: 224) argued experts can differentiate and selectively use the most important and relevant information because they possess structured and organized practical knowledge which provides a conceptual foundation. The practical knowledge of novice is stored haphazardly for e.g. a novice struggles to perform all the cranial nerve tests by memorizing the order of the tests, how is it performed and number of cranial nerves whereas an expert does it very easily (Jensen et al 1999: 32). Higgs and Jones (2011: 154) agreed that practical knowledge has supremacy over prop ositional knowledge by disagreeing to the medical model above, which follows rather than drives clinical knowledge. Furthermore, (Higgs and Titchen 522) argues that this compulsion of knowledge in its dependence upon propositional truth, limits acceptance and appreciation of non-propositional forms of knowledge. Although theoretical or propositional knowledge is useful in predicting the effectiveness of number of therapeutic interventions which might be helpful to the patient whereas practical knowledge helps the expert practitioner to use this theoretical knowledge in thze best interests of the particular patient or family member. The knowledge and awareness that arise through reflection are considered to be essential ingredients for development of clinical expertise (King 2008: 190).The experts reflect and learn from their experience whereas novice are rigid. Experience is the enhancement of pre-conceived notions and theory through encounters with many actual practical situations that add differences to the theory (Benner 2001: 36) It is this practical knowledge along with theory that makes enhancement possible for the experienced physiotherapist. Practical knowledge is generated through describing and interpreting phenomenon, particularly human phenomenon, exploring it, taking account into context, subjective meanings and intentions within the particular situation (Higgs and Jones 2008: 157). On the other hand, Benner (2001: 36) stated theory and research are generated from the practical knowledge, i.e. from the practices of the experts in a field. Moreover, expert physiotherapist relied on and utilized extensive physiotherapy knowledge to practice as compared to novice physiotherapists, who applied their existing theoretical knowledge to practice (Bonner 2007: 163). However, Jensen (1999: 33) argued that although experts posses more knowledge, it the organization and appropriate usage of that knowledge is important. Therefore, expert physiotherapists used multiple sources of knowledge in practice (Bonner 2007: 163). He also stated expert physiotherapists are better able to provide justification for their practice (Bonner 2007: 163). Experts continue to learn through experience by observing and scrutinizing their actions whereas novices thinking is governed by application of rules (Jensen 1999:17). Higgs and Titchen (1995: 521) stated physiotherapy experts construct their own knowledge rather than discovering it whereas novice rely on book knowledge and later apply it. Thus, knowledge is not simply transferred from the expert to novice; it is worked upon by the learner and incorporated into practice (Smith et al 2003: 324). Benner (2001: 2) stated there are many skills (knowing how) that are gained without knowing that. She also stated that one cannot always theoretically account for know-how for many common activities like swimming. OHara (2012: 66) stated Physiotherapy is a practice focused activity and thus requires a great deal of practical knowledge. Benner (2001: 4) stated Practical knowledge is gained over time, and experts themselves are often unaware of their gains. Bonner (2007: 163) takes the statement further and stated for expert physiotherapists, the practical knowledge which they learnt in their postgraduate level had been proceduralized into their routine practice to the extent that it is difficult for them to indentify where they had learnt something expert no longer measurse ranges of motion of any joint using goniometer. Expert physiotherapists know exactly which intervention to be used not only theoretically but also practically (OHara 2012: 66). Whereas with slighted change in symptoms the novice will not be able to decide the type of intervention. OHara (2012: 66) stated Practical knowledge acts as foundation of understanding from which therapists make informed decisions about how to act in mostly uncertain situations. Bonner (2007: 164) argued it is not only the practical knowledge, but also clinical cues by the patient which helps to make decision in complex situations e.g. a patient might position him in a way to relieve the pain symptoms from back. Bonner 163: 2007 stated expert physiotherapist used multiple sources of practical knowledge to guide their practice. Moreover, Resnik et al (2003:1101) emaphasized experts use patient education as part of their practical knowledge to treat patients e.g. when a patient is taught what they have to do, why they have to do, then the patient automatically does it correctly so the work of the therapist lessens. King (2009: 186) argued that experts are more interested in observing how other expert therapists engage patients and in understanding the meaning of experiences for patients. Whereas the novice will not focus on other therapist and use their own rules of knowledge into practice. Higgs Jones (2011: 124) stated clinical reasoning brought progressive expansion of practical knowledge in a problematic situation that continued until the problem was solved e.g. when an intervention does not work, the physiotherapist reasons out for its failure. However, Jensen (1999: 266) argued clinical reasoning is theoretically quite simple but extremely difficult to apply in real clinical situations. Also, successful reasoning strategy might work in one can and may not apply in the second e.g. a low back ache patient might feel better with mobilization other may not. CONCLUSION The essay has demonstrated various aspects of knowledge and in particular practical knowledge which contribute in developing expertise in physiotherapy field. Practical knowledge is vital for skilful practice in physiotherapy. Efforts were made to appraise the best of literature and illustrate how expert and novice differ in practical knowledge and the effect on their clinical practice. This essay further concludes the importance and relevance of the practical knowledge in reference to developing expertise. Although, measures have been taken to appraise some of the key aspects of practical knowledge in depth. Other elements of practical knowledge can also be evaluated to develop expertise in the physiotherapy field.
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